1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-03-01 04:44:02

n. (abductions)诱拐;绑架;诱导;外展;诱拐儿童;(abduction的复数)

  • Books detailed alleged abductions.


  • This is one reason for what some call abductions on Earth.


  • Possible explanations for UFO sightings and alien abductions.

    对于U FO目击和外星人绑架事件的可能解释。

  • No abductions are involved, nor is anyone taken against their will.


  • It's a fictionalized take on the real life issue of child abductions.


  • In a chapter on alien abductions, he recounts an abduction story of his own.


  • None of the many militant organizations in the Niger Delta has claimed responsibility for the latest abductions.


  • Mexico is one of the worst countries in the world for abductions, along with conflict zones like Iraq and Colombia.


  • Intuition and instinct routinely fail to warn innocent people about impending accidents, attacks, abductions and death.


  • "Contact events," such as abductions, are often associated with UFOs because they are ascribed to extraterrestrial visitors.

    “接触事件”,例如绑架,经常和UF O关联起来,因为他们被归结为地外访客。

  • JJ: We know these offenders are skilled at abductions and hiding their victims. Usually we don't know that until after the fact.


  • At this time, there are few abductions that occur in the physical with any remaining around earth from the Gray and Reptilian race.


  • In 2009, the U.S. State Department ranked Japan at the top of its list in reported abductions from the U.S. among non-signatory nations.


  • Hotch: Go back 10 years nationwide. Start with abductions and target-rich environments. Rule out any with bodily recovery dead or alive.


  • However, the credibility of the ETH as an explanation for abductions is disputed by most psychologists who have investigated this phenomenon.


  • Many of your abductions were actually carried out by humans using this technology in order to psychologically harm our contactees and to create fear and distrust.


  • Later that night, preparing to question Anderson, county deputy sheriff Donnie Taylor recalled hearing stories of Anderson's earlier threats, abductions and assaults.


  • I'd figured after my latest episode, the revelation that oni had heavily poached the Outer Colonies for their child abductions would be garnering a strong reaction out there.


  • Along with an increasing number of international marriages and divorces, child abductions to Japan - the only G-7 nation that has not signed the treaty - have been on the rise.


  • Though the public believes that strangers are likely to kidnap children, most child abductions are committed by someone the child knows-usually a parent or friend of the family.


  • In Japan, it's not unusual for the non-custodial parent to lose contact with his or her child, and domestic abductions, when they do occur, are often ignored by the police as a family matter.


  • We are actually there; this is neither a science fiction movie, nor a novel about encounters with extraterrestrial beings, nor a monthly magazine about parapsychological phenomena or abductions.


  • A rare form of the condition, which can involve hallucinations or the feeling of being dragged out of bed, may explain 'alien abductions' that people sincerely believe happened but can't remember.
