These funds are being allocated to the member companies of Dubai Inc by a Financial Support fund, which is vetting the companies' business plans.
These bail-out funds flow to the Dubai Financial Support fund, a committee which is overseeing the restructuring of Dubai's indebted companies.
This process will be overseen by the Dubai Financial Support Fund, which holds the purse strings and no doubt takes many of its cues from Abu Dhabi.
It has supplanted Southeast Asia's old role as the world's factory floor, and, together with South Korea and Japan, contributes to a regional financial support fund.
The company is implementing the object by steps including rational layout, effective use of support fund, improving technology of oil depot, and adhering to rectification.
They are raising a fund in support of this good cause.
The Clean Technology Fund will focus on deployment of technologies at scale, but would not support technologies that are still in the research stage.
We should choose to support many small projects rather than fund one large initiative driven by a handful of individuals.
The project receives support from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
We need to support programs like Michigan's 21st Century Jobs Fund and build on best practices across the country.
Downing Street is quietly confident that senior British bankers will soon come out in support of measures to build such a fund.
If politicians want British scientists to continue winning Nobels and opening up new technological processes, they need to realise they have to support and fund curiosity research.
Donors who fund climate change work usually treat media and communications support as an afterthought.
An additional contribution has also been made to the Global fund to support AIDS programs in Africa that help fund antiretroviral medication for those living with HIV.
Building off the ongoing work of the IHP + to support national strategies, the Bank is working with the GAVI Alliance, Global Fund, WHO, and others to implement the Health Systems Funding Platform.
China is exploring the possibility of setting up a cooperation fund between the two sides, which will provide strong support for our economic cooperation and trade.
China will provide fund support for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) to take part in the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.
Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, the stars of the film "Titanic," pledged their support to the fund last month.
The hedge fund manager who emerged as the winner post-2008 was David Tepper, who believed Washington, DC when it said that it was going to support Wall Street.
In the past year, my wife and I have worked to building an emergency fund that would support us for several months once I quit my job, if the income from my blog completely dropped off.
The United Kingdom's support for the Immunization Financing Facility, and the France/Chile/Brazil/Norway plan to fund HIV/TB and malaria drugs through airline ticket taxes are very promising.