If a fault has a vertical fault plane. How do we determine its hanging wall and footwall?
The hanging wall effect is due mainly to the proximity of much of the fault to hanging wall sites.
The above research results reflect the shock isolation effect and hanging wall effect of fractures.
If the relative movement of hanging wall and footwall is parallel to the strike of fault plane it is a strike slip fault.
If the relative movement of hanging wall and footwall is parallel to the strike of fault plane, it is a strike slip fault.
The technology of generating the Inner, Outer and Hanging Wall Surfaces in a Housing CAD System is presented in this paper.
The experimental phenomena indicate that there are the maximal stress destruction points in the hanging wall and the footwall.
The hanging wall block is relatively little disturbed, but the ore zone beneath bears abundant evidence of tangential movements .
The prospective targets are distributed on the hanging wall of the Baiyin fault and the SOuthern Tala fault in the West sag of the sub-basin.
The hanging wall area of fault can be used not only as depositional area, but also as bypass for the sediments to the center area of deposition.
Whether mining in hanging wall or footwall, the elastic energy and vertical stress in the fault area will increase with the increase of fault dip Angle.
Fault plane divides faulted rock into two blocks. The block above the fault plane is called hanging wall; the block below the fault plane is named footwall.
The application of expert system in actual mines shows that the identified failure modes of hanging wall by this expert system have good agreement with the actual.
According to ore body characteristics and distribution, NNW hanging wall transtension fracture and Paomagang Fm fade dolomitic gravel subarkose has great prospects.
The research demonstrates a normal faulting tenacity shear zone with hanging wall westwardly sliding according to kinematics characteristics of the tenacity shear zone.
The reverse drag anticline traps and the nose shaped high trap in the hanging wall of growth fault in extensional basin are the major targets in oil and gas exploration.
They connect the hanging wall of one fault to the footwall of another fault, and have special deforming feature, beside them on the hanging wall there are transverse anticlines.
A series of small shear zones, which are parallel to the main deformation belt, are formed in the foot wall, while in the hanging wall ductile brittle normal faults are popular.
The hanging wall of the pterygopalatine space, fora- men rotundum, inferior orbital fissure, pterygoid canal and its relationship with the sphenoidal sinus were dis- played on coronal section.
It was not until late that night in bed that John noticed from a calendar hanging on the wall that it was August the Twenty-sixth.
On the opposite wall are hanging dozens of pictures as well as two maps of China.
The girl looked up and saw that the voice came from a bird hanging in a cage on the wall.
Those hanging from every wall, or upon stands in the ground, are the works of those who came before them and reached the apex of their profession.
Do you see that rose-colored silk curtain hanging on the wall over the mantel-piece?
Granny took the time to explain the function of her weather vane, hanging on the wall, which predicted the upcoming weather.
When she stepped to the wall and lifted the hanging ivy he started.
A picture is hanging on the wall.
《新英汉大辞典》If the work is designed for the home, ask yourself what you like. It's going to be hanging on your wall, after all.
It's going to be hanging on your wall, after all.
Whether it’s a decorative hook, a plain nail in the wall, or a peg rail, hanging stuff on the wall helps.