The haunting music there ending that report by Peter Hunt.
It's powerful, haunting music, by a poet, composer and singer whose life has been as tough and sinewy and loving as an old tree.
Creating a single stunning painting, or a single haunting piece of music, is far more "productive" than trying to make ten mediocre ones.
Forgiveness... can you hear the haunting organ music when forgiveness is mentioned?
His music is a haunting mix of guitar, synthesizer, Oriental gongs and bells.
A wonderful example of his work embodied in the haunting lyrics of the greatest mother-centered protagonists in the history of rock music.
The haunting guitar melodies typify the band's music.
Listening to music is a kind of enjoyment, not only in the mind, and haunting reverberate, it enlightened us, let us and rejoice, blood boiling.
In addition, Michael Giacchino, who creates the drama's haunting score, composed original music for the game.
另外,电视剧音乐演唱者的Michael Giacchino为这个游戏原创了音乐。