New dogmas are much worse that old ones.
The world has become very full of new dogmas.
A Plea For Tolerance In The Face Of New dogmas.
People are beginning to question the old dogmas.
Now each of these dogmas was undergoing revision.
That is a somewhat curious dogma, but it is one of their dogmas.
Temples and rituals, dogmas and doctrines are but secondary details.
The old assumptions, arguments, dogmas, and vocabulary no longer match the realities.
Again, it is evident that material dogmas are not dogmas in the strict sense of the term.
It offers no finished dogmas, but rather points of reference for further research, and the method of that research.
I've always liked this quote from Abraham Lincoln: "the dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present."
我一直很喜欢abraham Lincoln的这些话:“关于寂静的过去的教条对狂风暴雨的今天是不够的。”
It does not offer made dogmas, only starting points for subsequent investigation and the method for such investigation.
The technique of writing is to literature as dogmas are to the church the occupation with trivial things by trivial minds.
The financial crisis and economic downturn have forced world leaders to recognize that the old thinking and dogmas were flawed.
Symptomatic reading method takes history texts as learning materials and a tool of grasping knowledge, not unchangeable "dogmas".
One of the great dogmas that plague modern thinking is the idea that belief in God is irrationally based only on faith and sentiment.
Lastly, there are idols that have come into men's minds from various philosophical dogmas and from topsy-turvy laws of demonstration.
But, above all, I hope for a world free of the economic dogmas that invaded the thinking of many and were presented as absolute truths.
Many conservatives still loathe MrMcCain, and Mr Romney at least currently pretends to believe most of thecornerstone conservative dogmas.
He old dogmas have perhaps decayed, but new dogmas have arisen and, on the whole, I think that a dogma is harmful in proportion to its novelty.
Starting from scratch had other advantages. You could design it to look cleaner and run faster, the twin dogmas of the Google corporate religion.
The premises from which we begin are not arbitrary ones, not dogmas, but real premises from which abstraction can only be made in the imagination.
At some time someone is supposed to have invented a God and sundry dogmas and to have led humanity around by the nose with this "wish-fulfilling" fantasy.
Life is more important than any beliefs or dogmas, and in order to allow life its full fruition you must liberate it from beliefs, authority, and tradition.
Therefore, your urgent task is to make every effort in order to break through the boundaries of the dogmas and to acquire an ability to look unbiased at any legend.
As I stand before the festering and varnished facades of your haughtiest moral dogmas, I write thereon in letters of blazing scorn: Lo and behold; all this is fraud!
In fact, he was a highly diligent free-thinker, who freed his mind from the many dogmas of his time, to think for himself, and to forge a clear way out of the thicket of delusions.