When Scarlet Witch gives Captain America his flashback vision, the band in the USO dance hall is the Rob Thomas.
猩红女巫给美国队长他的闪回幻象时,担任 USO 舞厅乐队弹奏的乐队是罗伯·托马斯。
I picture us like two performers on a USO Tour.
Scrutinizing shipping window summary and coordinating with USO for any mistake occurred.
This movement has driven the United States Oil Fund (NYSE: USO) down 18% in the past month alone.
Last summer, they got a phone call asking, "do you have any clients interested in doing a USO show in Cuba?"
When Scarlet Witch gives Captain America his flashback vision, the band in the USO dance hall is the Rob Thomas Players.
The concept of KBR System main structure used in the gravity field measurement in China and the key technologies of USO is introduced.
A USO key chain purchased in Vietnam (where he served as a helicopter gunner) 41 years ago got Ron Tyler started on a life time of collecting.
41年前,Ron Tyler在越南(他当时是在那里服役的直升飞机枪手)买下一个美国劳军联合组织(uso)的钥匙扣后,他就开始了一生的钥匙扣收集。
Brown "mugs" for the camera during a USO entertainment tour of American airfields in China. The much-admired comedian was one of Hollywood's most active war-time USO entertainers.
The USO then sends the videotape/DVD and the book to the soldier’s family so their children can have the experience of their parent reading to them while they are still serving away from home.