He went to Paris to study with a famous French doctor, Charcot.
We present a case of lumbar Charcot arthropathy with deformity treated successfully using such a procedure.
The latest reports show that a thin sliver of ice attaching it to the Antarctic's Charcot Island is rapidly collapsing and threatening to break.
After leaving the university, he worked for a time in a children's clinic, then went to Paris and studied under Dr. Charcot, the famed neurologist.
Now doctors with the American College of foot and Ankle Surgeons say Charcot foot's prevalence appears to be growing as more Americans get diabetes.
Objective. We present a case of lumbar Charcot arthropathy successfully treated surgically using posterior 3-column resection, spinal shortening, and fusion.
Deformities include flat feet, hammer toes, overlapping toes, halux valgus, joint subluxation, prominent metatarsal heads, medial convexity (Charcot foot) and amputation.