Descriptions and illustrations of the regional anatomy of the central nervous system are followed by accounts of the functional pathways.
The Regional Anatomy deals with the form, position, and relationship of the structures of several systems located in a particular region of the body.
Anatomy is the basis of surgery, only when we are familiar in the context of the regional anatomy that precise removal of the caudate lobe can be safe.
According to regional anatomy the etiology factors are discussed, Methods of treatment are reviewed in which the deepening of tendon groove is recommended.
Professor(Professional): Responsible for 264 hours of undergraduate and graduate teaching, including Systemic Anatomy, Regional Anatomy and Sectional Anatomy.
Writing a medical record of hand surgery challenges rotating physicians a lot due to its special pathogenic process and application of regional anatomy knowledge.
Regional anatomy is a bridge course linking clinical medicine to preclinical medicine. Its aim is to culture students capability to solve clinical problem by their anatomic knowledge.
The companion to the shore, I put my talk for a while after the biochemistry, we agreed that enter the regional anatomy, I don't want to make to the point of talking about embryology.