The U.S. experts-panel study cited above, for example, was funded by a company that produces aspartame.
The researchers looked at data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, which has been conducting a survey of American families since 1968.
The panel study involved a random sample of 895 households from over 50 000 enrolled in a cash-for-work programme between September and December 2007 and 921 similar control households.
For this study, the investigators gathered data from the British household Panel Survey - a yearly questionnaire of a nationally representative sample of UK households.
And yet he had been a member of the Iraq Study Group, a bipartisan panel that advocated a phased withdrawal from Iraq soon after Mr Gates's appointment.
He suggested that an international panel be created to study whether or not global warming was the result of human actions and whether it could be stopped by cutting pollution.
The panel said that while soy is safe for consumption, there has never been a comprehensive study of the effects of a soy diet on babies.
Many of the rats in the study had suffered from chronic respiratory disease and the panel said that was the most likely cause of the tumors.
The panel will study them all day, every day, for three years.
Congressman Frank Wolf was the author of legislation that created the Iraq Study Group, the bipartisan panel that issued a report in 2006 assessing U.S. strategy in Iraq.
沃尔夫议员(Frank Wolf)当初最先在国会提出议案、要求成立伊拉克问题特别委员会。这一跨党派特别委员会于2006年就美国针对伊拉克的战略出台了一份专题报告。
Experimental study on polishing of mobile phone panel glass with unfixed-abrasive and fixed-abrasive pad.
Regarding our field of electrical installations, automations or panel construction, we take over whatever study and construction worldwide in the location of our shipping customers' request.
In addition, the project of controlling temperature of metal panel was raised with the study of effect mechanism between laser beam and metals.
Based on the study of molding process of telephone panel, the process of injection molding of products was simulated and analyzed by CAE technique.
Study Panel is a professional production of machinery equipment company.
But in this paper, the empirical study based on panel data model shows that China's existing fund management fees collection method can not play an incentive role.
The experimental study on the structural and seismic behavior of CS panel structure is presented in the paper.
The study on satellite communication in motion bases on panel antenna in this paper.
This paper described the study on poplar veneer vision modification, including veneer dyeing, drying and direct printing on surface of panel to improve the vision.
This thesis is on the experimental study of the panel zone of welding joints of steel structure.
In order to carry out this study, panel data approach will be used.
This study investigates the mechanism of both forming process and springback of the draw formed panel with double curvature.
Based on the study of the performance of the EPS panel, this paper analyzes the feasibility, rationality and economic benefit of EPS wall.
The experimental study of convective heat transfer in an In-line Tube Panel is carried out on the wind channel test apparatus.
The experimental study on thermodynamic performance of carbon fiber electric heating board for floor panel heating system under the ascending temperature and stable conditions is carried out.
This text gives preliminary study of overall performance and the collapse mode of this new thermal insulation and energy saving Concrete sandwich panel structure.
A study indicates that less than 50% of CIN1 are classified as CIN1 by a panel.