His cough grew more persistent until it never stopped.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》Men with spring birthdays, though, are more persistent.
It simply means you will need to be a little more persistent.
A little more persistent than others, you will create a miracle.
More than others, you will be a little more persistent, you will create a miracle.
Specialists in behavioral finance have sketched out some of our more persistent mental mistakes.
Propping up demand may therefore require more persistent, and sustained, budget deficits than in Japan.
Usually I call a couple times and then forget about her, but I'm training myself to be more persistent.
Slack lending, thanks to both lack of demand and tighter underwriting, could prove a more persistent problem.
Other expats had been more persistent than me, learning the man's story and setting up a loose network to help him.
Execution of an operation will typically cause one or more persistent data records to be read, written, or modified.
Gentler but more persistent bad weather - the downpours of the summer monsoon - is also being taken into account.
The New Year, I know there is a harder, more persistent JJ Lin will appear in front of us, I believe you are the best.
The tabloids may be sneakier and more persistent than more respected news sources, but this is a matter of degree, not kind.
They are calmer and more persistent than chimpanzees; though not as adaptable, gorillas are highly intelligent and capable of problem solving.
More recent papers have picked up similar threads, arguing that imbalances might prove to be both more persistent and less perverse than once thought.
Compared with other thrombolytics, it is safer, lower in cost, easier to be absorbed by body and has more persistent effect on thrombosis, and longer half-life.
Bernanke said the central bank still has ammunition to aid the recovery if the recent economic weakness proves more persistent than policy makers currently expect.
Be more persistent than your most persistent problems. Use your creativity, your flexibility, your ingenuity and your passion to make your way forward no matter what.
Trenberth added that large-scale rainfall events “tend to create more persistent weather patterns elsewhere, ” creating heating patterns that lock atmospheric flows into place.
On the one hand, studies suggest that people who are happier are more creative, more resilient, more engaged, and more persistent in the face of difficulty and frustration.
One of the more persistent rumors of recent days is that the euro zone is prepared to allow the EFSF to lend to Greece at an advantageous rate, so that it can buy back some of its debt.
As for earnings quality, firms with revenue-supported increase have more persistent earnings, more resist to the disturbance of earnings management, and have better future performance.
There are also issues with chlorthalidone being a better hypertensive agent because it has a longer duration of action and more persistent reduction of blood pressure over a 24-hour period.
The persistent question of "Why do I need that?"—or, perhaps more tellingly, "Why do you need to know that?" —dogs the steps of many new ventures.
The persistent question of "Why do I need that?"—or, perhaps more tellingly, "Why do you need to know that?"—dogs the steps of many new ventures.
The stereotype declares one or more fields, which together form the persistent identity of an instance.
Yet the effects of these persistent patterns may get more unpleasant because the world will be warmer and have a more vigorous hydrological cycle.