1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-03-09 05:18:57

n. 以马内利(耶稣基督的别称);伊曼纽尔;埃马纽埃尔;埃曼努埃尔(人名)

  • If the wooden frame of the towers had caught fire, it could have sent the bells the largest of which, the Emmanuel Bell, weighs 13 tons crashing down, potentially causing the collapse of both towers.


  • Emmanuel-Jones joins a herd of wealthy fugitives from city life who are bringing a new commercial know-how to British farming.


  • The digital services tax now awaits the signature of President Emmanuel Macron, who has expressed support for the measure, and it could go into effect within the next few weeks.


  • Emmanuel is alive. Tomorrow may be better.


  • How many have heard of [Togo player] Emmanuel Adebayor?


  • Emmanuel Corazzari proposed to girlfriend Lori Tiggalaar.


  • Tima plops young Emmanuel on the hardened mud and rereads the cholera-prevention poster.


  • Real Madrid will make a fresh approach to Manchester City for Emmanuel Adebayor on Tuesday.


  • On that day in 1861 King Victor Emmanuel proclaimed the foundation of the kingdom of Italy.

    1861年的这天,维克托埃马纽埃尔国王(King Victor Emmanuel)宣布意大利王国成立。

  • He notes that in 1861 only one Italian in 40 spoke the language (Victor Emmanuel barely did so).


  • As usual, the face of Emmanuel Goldstein, the Enemy of the People, had flashed on to the screen.


  • Blanchot's work was also strongly influenced by his friends Georges Bataille and Emmanuel Levinas.


  • Arsene Wenger believes there are more important issues at hand this weekend than Emmanuel Adebayor.


  • Joyce Benenson, associate professor of psychology at Emmanuel College, has performed related research.


  • Initially, at a hearing on May 16, 2011, the former IMF chief was denied bail. Emmanuel Dunand / Reuters


  • This year marks the 35th anniversary of the publication in France of Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie's Montaillou.


  • Milan transfer manager Adriano Galliani talked about the negotiations for Ronaldinho and Emmanuel Adebayor.


  • And the agreement commits GLG's three big fish, Noam Gottesman, Pierre Lagrange and Emmanuel Roman, to stay for three years.


  • Alex Song says former Arsenal team-mate Emmanuel Adebayor will be determined to get one over his old Club at White Hart Lane on Sunday.


  • Emmanuel Adebayor is' sorry 'for his clash with team-mate Nicklas Bendtner during Arsenal's Carling Cup defeat at Tottenham Hotspur.


  • But work by two academics, Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez, shows that inequality has been just as marked in pre-tax as in post-tax incomes.

    但是Thomas Piketty和Emmanuel Saez两位学者的研究表明,税后收入的差距和税前一样显著。

  • Emmanuel Amunike, who played briefly for Barcelona and 30 times for Nigeria, opened a school in 2008 outside Lagos, the financial capital.

    曾一度短暂地为巴塞罗那队效力、30次效力于尼日利亚队的Emmanuel Amunike于2008年在金融中心拉各斯创办了一所学校。

  • The economists Emmanuel Saez and Thomas Piketty studied the incomes of the top 0.1% of earners in America, Britain and France in 1913-2008.

    经济学家埃曼纽尔•萨兹和托马斯•皮凯迪(Emmanuel Saez and Thomas Piketty)研究了1913年至2008年。 美国、英国和法国最富的0.1%人口的收入。

  • On March 17th 1861, King Victor Emmanuel II of Piedmont-Sardinia signed into law a bill in which he took for himself the title King of Italy.


  • Emmanuel said that JPA 2.0 framework could use the bean validation framework to generate database constraints based on the bean constraint annotations.

    Emmanuel说到,JPA 2.0框架可以使用bean校验框架基于bean的约束注解来产生数据库约束。