Today, it's almost impossible to imagine a world without intranets, e-mail, and portable computers.
But then, everything on intranets can be networked.
Such conversations are taking place today on corporate intranets.
Still the software methods exist, and within intranets it is possible to set them up.
It will be a while before critical mission information will be deployed across intranets.
Intranets mostly run on HTML, which does a great job of displaying document and graphics.
Intranets can be scaled down to fit business needs and adapt to individual organizations.
What support systems do you have in place for franchises, such as manuals, DVDs or online intranets?
Intranets are still common, but secured sections of an otherwise publicly accessible site is more common.
In turn, the cost advantages that the Internet provides has resulted in the popularity of corporate intranets.
The bottleneck between Intranets and control nets is an important problem for power plant control and management.
Intranets, for example, can be greatly enhanced by knowledge of social activity within a company, or between companies.
However, due to the large file sizes usually associated with Intranets, ISDN is the more likely choice of connection.
Metadata are being widely used in order to fully exploit information resources on corporate intranets or the Internet.
Intermediation is automated through technologies such as groupware, intranets, workflow and document management systems.
The emergence of the Internet and corporate intranets are driving network managers to adopt SANs for direct access to data.
Using in this way, Intranets represent a step towards the paperless office, replacing printed documentation with electronic data.
Initially, intranets provided the most valuable and widely used information to employees with quick and efficient information access.
With more and more information delivered via the Internet and corporate intranets, Web content plays a more important role for enterprises.
As corporate intranets and internal software become more social, solid business reasons support implementing Activity Streams as a feature.
随着企业内部网和内部软件越来越社交化,有充分的商业理由支持将Activity Streams实现为一个功能。
Companies typically install intranets top-down to distribute HR policies and other corporate information that workers are doing their best to ignore.
Templates are available for intranets, project sites, team sites, employee profile pages and other sites that people would use within the enterprise.
Adoption of MATIP is widespread both internally on company intranets, and in B2B integration scenarios linking private networks and partner extranets.
That doesn't mean an application server is for everyone. CGI is a nice fit for use on intranets, which usually have less traffic than external sites.
Enterprises can build online communities and in-house Intranets, create collaborative applications, or add wiki capabilities to existing applications.
Lotus Domino provided businesses and organizations with the ability to rapidly develop a broad range of business solutions for the Internet and for intranets.
Lotus Domino使企业和组织能够快速开发各种互联网和内部网业务解决方案。
They purchase SSL certificates for words like "mail" and "Web" to create secure connections between computers on their internal networks (known as Intranets).
Regardless of the source -- whether its CRMs, wikis, intranets, or databases -- GSA 6.0 has also increased the ability for businesses to customize their search.
除了不限文件来源(无论是CRM文档,wiki,内部网,还是数据库),GSA 6.0还增加了企业用户定制搜索的能力。
Not only is it used to network PCs and peripheral devices within the office, but also for communications between distributed servers or for the Internet and intranets.
Recognizing the value of Internet technologies, companies established intranets to provide their employees with a central point of access to enterprise specific information.