I'm really tired of your ploys.
Worse still, such ploys are often undetectable.
"I'm not a fan of the holiday-inspired gimmick ploys," says Graham.
You may vehemently deny that you've ever fallen victim to such ploys.
Supermarkets use many subtle ploys to get you to buy more than you plan.
Various ploys are used to try to trip up the machines competing in the Turing test.
If it's a monkey, talk football, if it's an elephant play dead... and other helpful ploys.
This is one of the last and most resourceful ploys of ego to prevent us from discovering our real nature.
Music producers said customers might try this, but they are trying to put up legal and technical hurdles to such ploys.
Some argued that the company could have made its donation directly instead of devising ploys in order to boost its own exposure.
Such ploys can make it hard to identify exactly who is behind a particular online assault, says Adam Vincent of Cyber Squared, another security firm.
来自另一家网络安全公司Cyber Squared的Adam Vincent说,这样(僵尸网络的)形式的攻击真的很难定位到某次入侵的幕后真凶是谁。
In response, companies have tried desperately to prop up revenues using a variety of promotions, advertising and other marketing ploys, often to no avail.
Better ploys are perhaps to ask topical or local questions, or even to discuss in conversation what the weather is like or what color the walls are painted.
Customers are the ultimate elements of all business ploys to enterprises, and customer relationship management (CRM) directly affects their competitiveness.
McLeish has no doubt, however, that Webb is equipped to deal with not only Wenger's psychological ploys but also any potential fallout from the Eduardo incident.
Such "follow-up" research projects are common ploys to both delay acceptance and implementation of any conclusions made and to eventually bankrupt the finances of the renegade researchers.