For the soul is dead that slumbers.
The sleeper slumbers; he shall awaken.
All night my fortune slumbers in its sheet.
An excuse unexpected arouses suspicion from its slumbers.
Tea drinkers, in contrast, had longer and more restful slumbers.
Mouse ran over his mane and ears and woke him from his slumbers.
Tea a drinkers, in contrast, had longer and more restful slumbers.
相比之下,喝茶的人睡得更久更香。 。
For the soul is dead that slumbers , And things are not what they seem.
Oblivious to the subzero cold, a big male polar bear slumbers on a bed of snow.
Over my slumbers your loving watch keep; - rock me to sleep, mother, - rock me to sleep!
Over my thoughts and actions, my slumbers and dreams, she reigned yet dwelled alone and apart.
There are others that are rebels who would seek to gain from your slumbers and lack of knowledge.
Professor McGonagall: Inside every girl, a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight.
They are supposed to wake sound sleepers from their slumbers when their house is on fire and their lives are at stake.
Even the sailor on the Atlantic and Pacific is awakened by his voice; but its shrill sound never roused me from my slumbers.
You are only just awakening from your slumbers in the darkness of duality, and now the Light is available to you as never before.
Tell me not, in mournful Numbers, life is but an empty dream! Fo the soul is dead that slumbers, and things are not what they seem.
Tell me not in mournful Numbers, Life is but an empty dreams; For the soul is dead that slumbers, And things are not what they seem.
Not one of them grows tired or stumbles, not one slumbers or sleeps; not a belt is loosened at the waist, not a sandal thong is broken.
其中没有疲倦的,绊跌的,没有打盹的,睡觉的。 腰带并不放松,鞋带也不折断。
You are aware that I am not a very sound sleeper, and since I have been on guard in this house my slumbers have been lighter than ever.
Every evening it crept trustfully into its corner against the stone breast of the image, and the darkling eyes seemed to keep watch over its slumbers.
每晚,它慢慢爬回小窝,那里正对着石头雕像的胸口,小鸟心中满是信任与安全感。 石头雕像那双漆黑的眼睛似乎一直都在看顾着它的酣眠。
Do the slightest disturbances - the sound of a toilet flushing, say, or the TV in the next room - rouse you from sleep, while your partner slumbers soundly through a thunderstorm?
To excuse oneself before there is occasion is to accuse oneself. To draw blood in full health gives the hint to ill will. An excuse unexpected arouses suspicion from its slumbers.
This eyeless monster slumbers immobile at the head of the table, only awakening when someone eats something from his table. Then he starts up and consumes the naive who benefited from his offers.