1 词典释义:
golden egg
时间: 2025-01-07 17:39:20
英 [ˈɡəʊld(ə)n ɛɡ]
美 [ˈɡoʊldən ɛɡ]


  • But this time, it's a golden egg.


  • Naturally, everybody wants to know this hen who laid a golden egg.


  • Could property instead lay the golden egg of the next decade?


  • He was greedy and was not satisfied with one golden egg a day.


  • My first problem was to get MacGregor to give up that golden egg.


  • A Man and his Wife had the good fortune to possess a Goose which laid a Golden Egg every day.


  • And the first golden egg then - is that the orbits are ellipses — and the Sun is at one focus.


  • A low angle perspective of the tower in Astana which simbolises the Kazakh myth of the magic bird Samruk, who laid a golden egg on the tree of life

    小角度仰拍阿斯塔纳的高塔。 它象征哈萨克人传说中的神鸟Samruk,它在生命之树上下了一颗金色的蛋。

  • Even the popular boy wizard Harry Potter has to battle a deadly dragon and get back a golden egg from its nest in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire".


  • The table, golden fried egg, savory millet porridge.


  • Inside the egg, an engraved golden disc with a rose window design serves as a platform for the portrait frame.


  • These cookies are crispy, golden nugget-like cookies comprised mostly of baked egg, sugar, and flour.


  • Place on a prepared tray, brush the tops lightly with egg. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden and crisp. Transfer them onto a wire rack to cool.


  • Dip both sides of each bread slice into the egg mixture. Arrange the bread slices in the pan to cover the bottom. Bake for about 15 minutes until golden. Remove the pan. Turn the oven off.


  • Money may no longer be a big motivator, but expect these well-known billionaires to be active and visible well into their golden years. New changes to the law can have a huge impact on your nest egg.


  • A slice of golden roasted bread, with fried egg and pork, a bottle of hot milk, I know, you will love it.


  • Dip the steamed stuffed fish with beaten egg, then coat with tapioca flour. Deep-fry in the hot oil over high heat until golden in colour and crispy. Dish up, cut into slices and serve.


  • A golden yolk from a salted duck egg was placed at the center of each cake, and the golden brown crust was decorated with symbols of the festival.


  • Some sources even say that Nyx is the mother of Eros and that she laid a 16)germless egg in the bosom of 17)Erebus and the golden-winged Eros was born (after many long ages).

    甚至有说尼克斯是厄洛斯的母亲,她在厄瑞波斯的怀中孕育了一个无胚蛋卵,多年以后,长有金色翅膀的厄洛斯便出生了。 。

  • Fill pots with beef mix, top with pastry, brush with egg wash and bake in oven until the pastry is golden brown.


  • This dessert is made using egg whites only, no yolks, and during baking develops a delicious golden crust that hides the tender, pure white interior.
