Unfortunately these drugs are quite toxic and hinder the body's ability to fight off infection.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》He felt pleasantly drowsy and had to fight off the urge to sleep.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》People with cystic fibroses are unable to fight off such bacteria, even though their lungs produce normal amounts of the antibiotic.
Sleeping better may help fight off illness.
People with cystic fibrosis, however, are unable to fight off such bacteria, even though their lungs produce normal amounts of the antibiotic.
In this rudimentary natural society men go out to hunt and fish and to fight off the tribe next door while women keep the fire going.
He asks them to use facts to fight off fear.
Mother had to fight off my dad because he went along with most of the professionals, the dark forces who wanted to put me in an institution.
We use them to fight off the bad bacteria.
This means your body can fight off the rubella virus if it enters your body.
The body is trying to fight off a disease that is spreading, and as it does so, the body convulses, settles for a time and then convulses again.
Both have sizable chunks of the equity markets and extremely low overhead, so they may move to offer even lower transaction fees to fight off the competition.
Antibodies help the body to recognise and fight off germs.
The wing clubs could have also been used to fight off predators, too, and this brings up an important point.
Merely being exposed to a new cold virus, however, is not enough for a person to catch a cold, since a strong immune system can successfully fight off some new viruses.
I predict we will see this start to change the UI, design and flow of the OTAs as they seek to chase this consumer desire and fight off the start up response.
Protein can help the body fight off a flu.
To fight cold-related symptoms, garlic is an excellent food therapy, specially if taken with other foods rich in vitamin C, which helps to stimulate white blood cells fight off infections.
Firms that can harness powerful network effects, in which users encourage friends and family members to join them on a particular service, may be best placed to fight off the clones.
Investors seem to doubt that plans to help troubled financial institutions will be enough to fight off a deep recession.
Snake has darkness all around him, and his “me first” attitude and ability to fight off (or fit in with) the worst scum make him a futuristic anti-hero.
Smoking is a known risk factor for TB, and may reduce the ability of the lungs to fight off infection.
The cockfish grow a new set of teeth as well as a mighty kype, a hook-like extension on the lower jaw, which they use to fight off other males.
Scientifically known as Allium sativa, garlic has been famous throughout history for its ability to fight off viruses and bacteria.
Together, these trigger an immune response which can fight off invading parasites before the second act.
A recent report in BioMed Central's Immunology journal found that alcohol impairs the body's ability to fight off viral infections.
The space saga follows the Terran story line as the Terrans fight off attacks from the extraterrestrials trying to take over.
Icelandic breakfast cuisine - a hearty and hot breakfast to fight off the dark, icy mornings is what's needed here.
Always remember to fight off a hurdle by facing it, not by running away from it.