When he spoke it was in the most inadequate, commonplace voice of the many varied tones she had heard from him.
People who dislike noise will sometimes use most inadequate evidence to support their pleas for a quieter society.
On the other hand, those who dislike noise will sometimes use most inadequate evidence to support their pleas for a quieter society.
On the other hand, those who dislike noise will sometimes use most inadequate evidence to support their pleas FOR a quieter society.
There are a lot of tasks to be done, there are inadequate rewards for most of them.
Many are housebound because of inadequate public transport in most outlying suburbs.
While these can maintain a very small amount of state, they are inadequate for most stateful applications.
The Expression problem is a real, practical problem in object-oriented programming, and most common solutions to it are inadequate.
Considering the tremendous risk assumed by investors who back major insurance and reinsurance companies, the returns in most years are woefully inadequate.
The issue for most of the recent institutional failures in the US was not one of ownership, but of inadequate risk management, skewed incentives, and limited regulation and enforcement among others.
Some contact with even the most awful, addicted or inadequate parent is usually better than none at all: it helps the children make sense of what has happened.
West Bengal’s policing is at best inadequate, with around 80 officers per 100, 000 people, compared with over 250 in most developed countries.
With Copenhagen just six months away, targets that are completely inadequate, and no money forthcoming to help the most vulnerable, at the moment this is a race towards an empty treaty.
距哥本哈根峰会只有六个月了,而现在各国设定的目标完全不能解决问题,也没有资金用来帮助最易受伤害的人群。 照此下去,这场赛跑的终点只能是一份苍白空洞的协议。
West Bengal’s policing is at best inadequate, with around 80 officers per 100,000 people, compared with over 250 in most developed countries.
"Most runners start speed sessions with an inadequate warmup, " says Sean Coster, a coach and exercise physiologist for the Nike Bowerman Athletic Club in Beaverton, Oregon.
“很多跑步者在加速阶段都不能做好热身准备,”来自俄勒冈州比弗顿耐克体育俱乐部的教练和锻炼心理学家Sean Coster说。
Mind you, a bottle terrarium will not help with that most common of horticultural mistakes---inadequate light. Bottle terraria just help improve humidity.
The most efficient antibiotic cannot compensate for inadequate and poor surgical technique.
Overall, the clinical manifestations of neurasthenia patients is complex, generally considered the most important performance is inadequate brain, insomnia, sensitivity, mood swings and so on.
Most shy people feel inadequate and worry about what others think of them.
For most people, elevated triglycerides are caused by three related factors: consuming too many calories, inadequate exercise, and being overweight or obese.
The most efficient antibiotic cannot compensate for inadequate and poor surgical technique.
The us, as one of the most developed library undertaking countries in the world, is also faced with the enormous pressure of inadequate fund in public libraries.
People most likely to have inadequate vitamin D levels were smokers, obese people, those who had a disability before surgery and those who had never taken vitamin D or multivitamin supplements.
One of the most acute problems in the Yellow River Valley is an inadequate water supply.
However, as the flourish of online learning, the design of online learning activities have not got enough attention. In most online courses, activities are designed very inadequate.
The results show that:inadequate human resources association in HeBei Province, mainly in full-time management staff shortages, most associations do not volunteer, mentor is obviously inadequate;
Most scientists claim that inadequate control could cause serious health and environmental problems.
The software is featured with dynamic simulation function of gear measuring, and its most prominent characteristic is to design a master gear in case of inadequate parameters of measured gear.
The most common symptom of arterial disease of the leg is claudication, a cramping pain caused by an inadequate supply of blood to the affected muscle.