Be careful using chmod -r.
在使用chmod - r时,请多加小心。
Here are example applications of chmod.
Use chmod to add executable permissions.
Run chmod u-s as a workaround to disable it.
作为workaround运行chmod u - s来禁止它。
The linuxrc file is then made executable using chmod.
linuxrc 文件然后使用 chmod 命令修改成可执行的。
You can use man chmod to read about it. The command
使用man chmod来阅读相关内容。
Note that you must use chmod to make both scripts executable.
Remember to change these files to executable using chmod + x.
记得要使用chmod + x将这些文件更改为可执行。
This form of chmod adds permissions that are not already set.
chmod 会添加尚未设置的权限。
For details on how to change file permissions, see man chmod.
查看man chmod可以获得如何改变文件权限的详细信息。
The chmod() function changes permissions of the specified file.
Also, make the script executable by running the command chmod 755
另外,还要运行命令chmod 755 Chom pQ . pl,使脚本可执行。
Use chown and chmod to set the ownership and permissions on the new directory.
The second command, chmod, makes the file containing the Python program executable.
The base permissions show the permissions that are set by the chmod and chown command.
Similarly, chmod +rw filename should also grant everyone read and write access to the file.
类似的,"chmod +rw 文件名"将会授予所有用户对该文件的读写权限。
Then run a chmod command to make the cloud program executable, and run it by typing cloud.
然后运行 chmod 命令,使云程序变得可执行,然后通过输入 cloud 运行它。
chmod go+rx IBM: This command enables the read and execute privileges for group and others.
chmod go+rx IBM:这个命令为组和其他用户设置了读和执行权限。
You modify permissions (except for the directory bit) by using the chmod (change mode) command.
您可以使用chmod(更改模式change mode)命令修改相应的权限(除了目录位之外)。
For example, using chmod + RWX would set all the read, write, and execute permissions for a file.
例如,使用chmod + rwx将会设置文件的所有读、写和执行权限。
You can do this manually with the CHMOD command or use an automated process with an installation tool.
可以用 CHMOD 命令手动设置,或者使用安装工具自动完成。
You can inadvertently render a directory unusable if you remove its execute bits, say with chmod -R a-x.
如果删除了目录的执行位,比如 chmod -R a-x,您可能会使得一个目录变得不可使用。 为了更具选择性,可以使用 find .
Try changing the file permissions for BLDRTN, embprep, and spcat using the chmod command. For example.
For example, on the test cluster for this article, a chmod command was issued on the administration node.
You should be able to do that using your FTP client, or you can use the chmod command with the 777 parameter.
您可以通过使用 FTP 客户端修改,或者使用 chmod 命令将权限设置为 777。
Chmod a + rx In addition to u, g, and o, you can use the modifier a for all or user, group, and others.
chmod a + rx script . sh:除了u、g和o以外,您还可以使用修饰符a来表示所有用户或用户、组和其他用户。
This library provides its own implementations of the "emulated" system calls, such as chmod(2), chown(2), or stat(2).
该库提供自己的 “模拟” 系统调用实现,比如 chmod(2)、chown(2) 或 stat(2)。
Of course, somewhere in here the file loses execute permissions, but you can copy it off the card, and then chmod + x.
当然,文件在该处的某些位置没有执行权限,但是可以将其复制到卡以外,然后使用chmod + x。
These modules, as well as the commands (for example, chmod) make calls to some efs APIs provided by a libefs.a library.
这些模块以及命令(例如chmod)调用libefs . a库提供的一些efs API。
You might want to try using whatis on some common useful commands like cat, more, grep, mv, find, tar, chmod, chown, date, and script.
你可能会尝试使用whatis用于像cat, more, grep, mv, find, tar, chmod, chown, date和script的常用命令。