Catalytic purification of automotive exhaust gas to reduce pollution is being widely noticed as the major effective way.
Minimal clinically relevant therapeutic difference is a basic parameter in clinical trials, but has not been widely noticed.
Predictive control is a new type of computer control algorithms being widely noticed and used in industrial process control.
Currently extending domestic demand is one hot topic, which is widely noticed by people of all circles with many statements and researches in academia.
This attack on opposite values has been widely noticed but it may be more controversial to claim that Nietzsche intends to replace it with a monism about values.
Free donation of blood has been widely noticed and it has been one of the symbols of the establishment of the advanced culture and ideology in a region or a country.
Nor did they question the Fed's decision last week to raise the discount rate on loans it charges to Banks, a largely technical but widely noticed step to normalize lending.
Unified Messaging is a new fast-emerging telecom service. It's widely noticed and concerned about in foreign countries, and is also under developing in China due to the force of its giant markets.
The fact that construction and training of laboratory team fall behind other education and teaching reforms has been noticed and cared about widely.
As a subsystem of hospital information system, intelligent communication and nursing information management system has been noticed widely and studied by many people home and abroad.
Vitiligo is a kind of skin disease that affects the psychologic health. There is still no very effective method to therapy it by now so the disease is being noticed widely.