1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-01-11 18:14:50
英 [kɔn'kætineitid]
美 [kɔn'kætineitid]

vt. 连结;使连锁;(concatenate的过去式)

adj. 串联的;连接的;成串的

  • It then replaces them with the concatenated string.


  • The reports are concatenated for displaying current information.


  • Are strings being repeatedly concatenated without string buffers?


  • The first expression must be the row value that must be concatenated


  • Get the byte array representation of the concatenated string from Step 1.


  • In our case, the function name is "handle" concatenated with the message type.


  • When concatenated into the original expression, the query would look like this.


  • First time: "ho" and "wdy ho" are concatenated and returned as the final result.

    第一次:连接并返回“ ho ”和“ wdy ho ”作为最终结果。

  • This form is then taken in, and a calculation is concatenated from the $_GET array.

    此表单之后被采纳,计算被从 $_GET 数组串接。

  • You can also use the Reorder ICONS to change the order in which the attributes are concatenated.


  • This method simply returns the firstName and lastName fields, concatenated with a space in between.


  • This is not useful since queries would typical not use such concatenated values in their predicates.


  • Kerberos USES this concatenated string to generate the secret key instead of using the password alone.


  • The two values are concatenated, and the five-bit value is used as the byte index of the concatenated value.


  • A comment in this model is a record in ClearQuest rather than a concatenated string used in the notes package.


  • The name and the phone number are concatenated into a single string and then split into an array of two strings.


  • The following name property has its value concatenated with the parent menu name, separated by an underscore ("_").

    接下来的 name 属性,具有与上级菜单名相联系的值,由下划线(“_”)隔开。

  • The order shown in the display box is the order each rich text body field response is concatenated in the new email.


  • In the case of sub menu, some property value is concatenated with parent menu name separated by an underscore (" _ ").


  • Notice, in lines 3-4, the order BY option is used for specifying the order in which the elements should be concatenated.

    注意在第3 - 4行中,ORDER BY选项用于指定元素应按何种次序连接起来。

  • Finally, the whole line is concatenated to the existing HTML so you have a complete list when the for loop is completed.


  • Concatenated with the stock symbol you are looking for. For example, if you are looking for a quote of IBM, your URL is.


  • In the following example, the column LISTPRICES shows the string with the concatenated costs separated by a + (plus) sign.


  • In our application, the date and time entered by the user are concatenated into a string, converted into bytes, and stored.


  • Its name consists of the name of the portlet application file concatenated with the suffix _portletapplication. For example.

    其名称由portlet应用程序文件名和后缀_ portletapplication组成。

  • We also specify that the function will return a VARCHAR (42), which is large enough to hold the concatenated address attributes.

    并指定该函数返回一个足以保留连接的地址属性的VARCHAR (42)。

  • If it does, the associated expanded text for the acronym is retrieved and concatenated to the message string destined for the user.


  • A subsequent query specifying the address column in the CLIENTS table retrieves the address information as a concatenated mailing address.


  • This method (shown in Listing 8) takes two byte arrays, concatenates the second array after the first, and returns the concatenated array.

    这个方法(见清单 8)取两个字节数组,将第二个数组串接到第一个之后,并返回串接的数组。

  • You no longer have to worry about the possibility that your text is being held by several adjacent text nodes that need to be concatenated.
