There is no crop insurance available for either coffee farmer.
PHILIP TESHA, Coffee farmer, Tanzania: the land is our property. We brought it from the farmer who was willing to sell to us.
The toothy farmer said he was introduced to the idea of growing coffee back in 1992 by experts, both Chinese and foreign.
If the coffee passes muster, the farmer is paid right on the spot - either in cash or by bank transfer, depending on the amount.
Starbucks claims that farmer welfare in the 24 countries it purchases from is guaranteed by its own Coffee and farmer Equity (cafe) standards.
But quality coffee isn't just likely to sell more - it is also likely to cost more to produce, and any extra the farmer does make may simply go on higher overheads.
"Sometimes I can't get to sleep after I've had coffee," said Wang Zhongxue, the farmer. "So I still drink tea."
It has an extremely rugged landscape, providing the perfect environment to grow coffee and hand picked by experienced farmer.