In the southern entrance of the complex, a 250 meter-long internal road has been designed and both sides of the road have been covered with slopes, and low walls of plants.
The southern entrance of the Shanghai Museum is flanked by eight dignified mighty animals in white-marble sculpture, each with a height of close to three meters and a weight of about twenty tons.
上海博物馆南面大门的两侧,耸立着 8 尊汉白玉雕塑。
On September 15, a worker painted the entrance of a festival tent for the upcoming beer festival in Munich, southern Germany.
From just the entrance, in the southern part of the bay, up to a second slack water area, about midway up the bay, tidal currents are ebbing.
A new two-story pavilion building, clad in dark green stone sourced from southern China, floats above, serving as the Asia Society's entrance.
A long pathway, made of uncut basalt slabs, leads from the southern side of the lot to the main entrance.
An Israeli soldier talks with women at the entrance to a bomb shelter in southern Israel.
The assembly point for guests and staff during an evacuation will be at the hotel southern garden car parking opposite the hotel main entrance.
At the intersection, where eastern and southern wing meet each other, the main entrance is located.
The living rooms are double in size and face the southern gardens visible from a library entrance on the same level as the private rooms.
An island off southern Rhode island at the eastern entrance to Long island Sound. Visited by Dutch explorers in 1614, it was settled in 1661.
A big double door in the southern part of the site connects the entrance of the building to this "community garden".
You are now at the southern most point of the Summer Palace. Alongside the entrance is the canal that leads into central Beijing.
In the southern quarter of the park, however, a road runs 34km (21 miles) from the park entrance to Clearwater Lake.
Together with Fort Siloso on the opposite Sentosa Island, it guarded the entrance to the harbours in Keppel Bay from the southern sea.