Even a slender diplodocus, once believed to have tipped the scales at five and a half tonnes when alive, has lost a tonne and a half from its weight.
A diplodocus dinosaur skeleton watches the entrance.
In beautiful lakeside, diplodocus is graceful and peaceful.
Diplodocus was a giant dinosaur. It was about 90 feet long. Its neck was 26 feet long and its tail was 45 feet long.
The other is the Saurischia, whose famous members include Diplodocus and Tyrannosaurus. The Saurischia also include all the immediate ancestors of birds.
Hammer found more parts of that dinosaur as well as a large sauropod, or plant-eater, resembling a diplodocus, and the new, as-yet-undescribed ornithischian.
The result, once natural selection had done its work over the course of millions of years, was the now familiar cast of Allosaurus, Diplodocus, Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus rex.