It can reveal information about protected characteristics like age, race, nationality, disability, gender, religion, etc., and that could bias a hiring decision.
Frequently dancers utilize objects like swords or sticks or hoops or musical instruments to further reveal information about their role in the social story portrayed in the dance.
Frequently dancers utilize objects like swords or sticks or hoops or musical instruments to further reveal information about their roles in the social story portrayed in the dance.
Reveal information about your personal.
Did it once reveal information that it now hides?
You are likely to reveal information unintentionally.
Don't reveal information that is personal or confidential.
Be aware that participating in quizzes will reveal information about you to others.
Despite limited data, several studies reveal information on the cost impact of drowning.
This sets up further conversation and gets the individual to reveal information that could be important.
Theprinciples are: to protect the benefits of middle and small stockholders, and to reveal information, to preve.
股权托管法律调整的原则是:一保护中小股东利益的原则; 二信息披露的原则。
Mining this sort of information might therefore also reveal information about exactly how ideas are spread and trends are set.
Whenever you reveal information about yourself, use it as proof that you offer something to the company that no one else can.
Some of the most striking of Nass’s experiments involved testing the best way to get people to reveal information or do you a favor.
And any slow changes in the broadcast frequency would reveal information about the rotation and movement of the aliens' planets.
HISTORICAL HONESTY: Reveal information about your personal history, particularly events that demonstrate personal weakness or failure.
The resulting discussions also reveal information about personal problems you haven't addressed, because you couldn't really define them.
The author introduces the Chinese Biz Serial Database, a reference tool to reveal information of security market activities in an adjust, fair and open way.
These years, scholars have criticized the rule of duty to reveal information, and indeed in order to apply the rule correctly, we should grasp some relevant ideas.
CURRENT HONESTY: Reveal information about the events of your day. Provide your spouse with a calendar of your activities, with special emphasis on those that may affect your spouse.
A team of researchers from Carnegie Mellon University has found that people's decisions to reveal information about themselves online can depend on unexpected and even irrational cues.
However, traditional accounting does NCT separately take into account the cost and value of human resource, nor does a financial report reveal information concerning human resource.
For example, the analysis of this historical data might reveal information about buying patterns for particular customers, purchasing preferences, attitudes on competing retailers, and more.
Moving window technique was adopted to reveal information acquisition and integration from foveal by controlling viewing window size, which could effectively control influence from parafoveal .
The U. S. Environmental Protection agency said on Tuesday it has issued a subpoena to Halliburton for not working with the agency to reveal information about liquids used in natural gas drilling.
We reveal only as much information as we can safely risk at a given time.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》Companies could be forced to reveal to consumers what information they hold.
Exposition is whatever background information you have to reveal to the audience.