As an author he had power of expression, simplicity, a subtle humor, sarcastic.
Confucius say subtle humor - "life rarely live to 70," This is an indication of life near death.
It is true that we can be very literal, so we often miss the humor in everyday banter, but we can and do enjoy even subtle humor.
By violating the maxims, it can be a way to be subtle or polite, or to convey humor, through sarcasm or irony.
Puns require more subtle and sophisticated language skills than other humor forms.
Painted in deep, shadowy colors and expertly composed, they are filled with subtle and surprising humor that continually rewards viewers with laugh-out-loud visual treats.
Puns require more subtle and sophisticated language skills than most humor forms, but even the very young can use them in the setup, the story line, or, more often, the punch line .
有些评论家认为双关语是最低级的幽默,但我不同易这种观点。 双关语以其他形式的幽默相比需要更细微,更巧妙的语言技巧,然而,简单的双关语甚至很小的孩子都能利用。
They range from the most obvious humor to the more subtle type.
Japan is one of the famous masayoshi ohira once said, "humor is can give a person the sense with subtle adjust life."
Must be rich in thesense of humor, but wants the time to be careful should discuss any orshould not discuss any, and observes the American company interiorextremely subtle rank system.
要富有幽默感, 但又要时刻小心该谈什么或不该谈什么,并遵守美国公司内部 极其微妙的等级体制。
The film shows the challenges that confront teachers, but it does so with a subtle and wry humor. It is painful and funny.