The disease is caused by a newly-found type of corona-virus.
We have found seven types of corona-virus that can infect humans so far.
During this Spring Festival, the city received much attention because of a novel corona virus.
Some corona-viruses cause disease in humans, others spread illness among animals, including camels, cats and bats.
When people first saw a corona-virus under a microscope, they found that its spikes made it look like a crown.
Rarely, animal corona-viruses can evolve and then spread among people, such as Middle East respiratory syndrome and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).
Following these rules, the new coronavirus we are suffering from was named "COVID-19" by the WHO on Feb 11, 20. In this name, "CO" means "corona", "VI" stands for "virus" and "D" means "disease".
Yes, we do. I'll be right back with your Corona.
What we are going to look for are waves in the corona.
Beyond that is the solar wind, an outflow of gas from the corona.
Changes we see in the corona reflect changes deep inside the sun.
The images show only the Sun’s corona, the outermost layer of the atmosphere.
Gandini: I was really interested in Corona and Ricky, who I got close to.
甘迪尼: 当我接触到克罗那和瑞奇时感到他们真得很有意思。
The composite brings out the correlation of structures in the inner and outer corona.
The corona will be the most dramatic alteration in the profile of the building in a century.
All that's visible during totality is the sun's relatively faint upper atmosphere, called the corona.
People crowded Lookout Point in Corona del Mar on Friday morning, looking for any sign of a tsunami.
At the top is the super-hot corona, which is made of structures such as loops and streams of ionized gas.
"The [Sun's] corona has a temperature of 2 million degrees but we don't know why it is so hot," she said.
The solar atmosphere above that consists of the photosphere, chromosphere, a transition region and the corona.
The sun's outermost region, called the corona, shines like a halo around the moon during a total solar eclipse.
Everybody can enjoy it from 4 to 80," says Rose Corona, who runs the family ranch and business with her brother Steve.
4岁到80岁的成员都可以从中享受到乐趣。” Rose Corona和她的哥哥Steve经营家庭农场。
Leslie Homan, designer and founder of Femme Metale Inc. of Corona, Calif., makes edgy rock-n-roll jewelry for women.
位于加州科罗娜的Femme Metale Inc .的设计师兼创始人莱斯利·赫曼(Leslie Homan)制作面向女性的前卫摇滚首饰。
Finally, the outermost part of a star's atmosphere is the corona, which if super-hot might be linked with convection in the outer layers.
The Solar Probe Cup will scoop up bits of the sun’s corona and solar wind to continuously measure its speed, temperature and density.
太阳探测杯(The Solar Probe Cup)会收集一些日冕和太阳风去持续地测量速度、温度和密度等数据。
Most of the heat in the corona, said Klimchuk, is apparently still released by the snapping of stressed magnetic fields in the corona.
Siberian Totality by Anthony Ayiomamitis shows a dramatic solar eclipse with wispy elements of the Sun's corona visible around the black disc
安东尼·艾因梅米缇斯(Anthony Ayiomamitis)《西伯利亚全食》(描绘了这场令人瞩目的日食中,那黑色的圆盘周边细微可见的光晕)
Total solar eclipses are of special interest to astronomers because it is the only time the sun's corona can be seen from the Earth's surface.
corona discharge
corona treatment
solar corona