1 词典释义:
crime writer
时间: 2024-11-19 15:57:54


  • To be honest, I never meant to keep my being a crime writer a secret or anything, and my friends have always known.


  • Nor does any living crime writer so unflinchingly chronicle the darkest aspects of American history.


  • Crime writer Lindsay Ashford bases claim on reading of author's letters and claims murder cannot be ruled out.

    犯罪小说作家林赛·阿斯·福德(Lindsay a shford)基于对作家信件的阅读,宣称不排除谋杀的可能性。

  • I wanted to write tense, involving thrillers with engaging characters, but then any crime writer would say that.


  • Agatha Christie was a female writer who is considered the queen of crime novels.


  • Considered one of the foremost experts on organized crime in Japan, he works as a writer and consultant in Japan and the United States.


  • A writer for "The Wire", an acclaimed HBO show about urban crime, he is capable of evoking atmosphere in three dimensions.

    作为备受称赞的HBO关于城市犯罪节目“The Wire”的作者,他具有制造三维立体氛围的才能。

  • This plan may be familiar to people who watched “The Wire”—David Simon, the main writer on the series, was a crime reporter in Baltimore in the mid-1990s.


  • He was a crime reporter for the Chicago City News Bureau, a PR writer for General Electric, even a Saab car salesman.


  • I like commitment by a writer, to the form, to the story - there are lots of slick writers of crime fiction who aren't writing out of passion, but for the market.


  • The writer compares Common Law System and Civil Law System with Chinese Criminal Law on the subject of unit crime to contribute as much as possible to China's unit crime perfection.


  • The writer hope that the principle of the presumption of relatives common accepting bribes deliberately can reduce and contain the the phenomenons of indulgencing crime.


  • Of course a writer doing this is misunderstood: he might as well try to explain a crime or a love affair.


  • Singularity is almost invariably a clue. The more featureless and commonplace a crime is, the more difficult is it to bring it home. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, British writer)


  • This paper has analyzed the invasion of the bribe against object of crime, through analyzing the process of the invasion, the writer has proposed the essence of the bribe crime.


  • Of course a writer doing this is misunderstood: he might as well try to explain a crime or a love affair.


  • The arms dealer and Bush partner in crime Adnan Kashoggi also tried to get this writer into a honey trap.


  • After analyzing the different intentions and extensions of the family violence and abuse, the writer holds that the view of the revision and perfection of the crime of abuse is more appropriate.


  • Then by a piece of writing for more than 30,000 words, the writer made the discussion separately on the research of the Crime of Transformed Robbery and practice in theory from three parts.
