1 词典释义:
steel jack
时间: 2025-03-01 21:14:47


  • Jack stared at Tony, his voice soft steel: "As long as you can."


  • Tensioning jack, oil gauge shall be checked and calibrated prior to the prestressed steel strands tensioning and executed to check and calibrate in using as per the specified procedure.


  • The anchor pile support apparatus for pneumatic caisson includes bearing block, jack, steel bracket, anchor pile and expanded pile head.


  • When the bearing should be replaced, the steel bracket is installed by fastening bars through the pipes, The bracket can be taken as the working plane to jack up the beams.


  • It was reported that Jack Henriques spent 3 months welding the steel grill, which weighs two tonnes, measures 16 feet across and requires 14 bags of coal to ignite.


  • After a summer of work in the country, Jack was as hard as steel.


  • It was as hard-nosed an assesment of what humans continue to do to each other as you might have heard from Harry Truman, though the steel-tipped Jack Kennedy was the predecessor invoked.

    对于人类如何继续对待同类的评价,与你可能从哈里•杜鲁门(Harry Truman)口中听到的一样不讲情面,尽管杰克•肯尼迪(Jack Kennedy)是奥巴马提到的前辈。

  • Jack, a tall and thin chap with red hair, who leads a church choir, is as hard as steel and acutely self-conscious.
