Prices are exorbitantly high in this shop.
《牛津词典》Prices are exorbitantly high.
Prices are exorbitantly high in the capital.
Some analysts say Japan is at a major disadvantage as high prices for local farm produce mean locally-made green fuels are exorbitantly expensive.
My British friends, having saved five years for their holiday, purchased an exorbitantly priced book on the warriors, and lined up for a Yang signature.
Earlier in the summer people’s imaginations had been fired by a lone consumer’s successful Facebook-driven countrywide boycott of cottage cheese which, thanks to a cartel, was exorbitantly expensive.
今年夏天的早些时候,一位消费者在脸谱网上倡导的对松软干酪在全国范围内的抵制让国民的幻想彻底破灭。 由于垄断,这种松软干酪的价格异常昂贵。
Earlier in the summer people's imaginations had been fired by a lone consumer's successful Facebook-driven countrywide boycott of cottage cheese which, thanks to a cartel, was exorbitantly expensive.