See, from my dead lips the ooze exuding at last.
Spring exuding beauty of the girl, let the world Colorful.
Blue is a peaceful and calming color exuding stability and expertise.
Overall Impression: The Akhal-Teke is an elegant, exotic animal exuding grace, power and athleticism.
Exuding a fresh national flavor, these works showed the continued vivacity of musical creation in China.
Lash sat back, and in the fine tradition of prowler commanders everywhere, he practiced exuding patience.
Such processes might include materials diffusing into fibers as well as substances exuding out to the surface.
A Southern women dressed casually in jeans totes her child in one arm and a shotgun in the other, exuding an air of protectiveness.
Exuding an identity that is entwined with London's rich history, Urban Villa is situated in the heart of the city's charming Brentwood district.
Doctors wore white coats, spoke in soothing tones, exuding confidence and medical know-how, and if they told you a pill would make you better, it would.
But we do have Downey, still exuding his irresistible loose-cannon vibe in a Hollywood product that'll whup every summer 2010 epic that dares to take it on.
There was little water in the river, but a profusion of water-weeds gave it the appearance of a long greasy green belt, narrow and dark, exuding a faint dank smell.
Efficacy: The super-hydrating CC cream leads the nutritious moisture exuding instantly into base skin to weaken wrinkle, segregate, whiten, moisten, sun proof and repair.
Tasting notes: Reddish purple colour, bright and clean. Deep-rooted flavour with a touch of redcurrants, spices and tobacco, exuding freshness, subtlety and a silky essence.
He is, it is true, every inch a GE man—calm, focused and exuding an air of managerial professionalism, as you would expect from a veteran of the world's most respected company.
"It's more of an occupational hazard than a general environmental hazard, " he says. "The miners are surrounded by rocks and sloshing through ground water that is exuding radon."
Exuding a beguiling mix of confidence and fragility, it was Jolie's first chance to essay a character on the verge of a breakdown, as Gia goes from overnight success to HIV-infected drug addict.
Southern women dressed casually in jeans totes her child in one arm and a shotgun in the other, exuding an air of protectiveness. A female cop surveys a field near a highway, her firearm in tow.