Either way, if its roots are pulled up from out of the ground as the tree topples over, then there's usually a big hole, a pit left in the ground where the roots used to be.
God topples from the sky, hell's fires fade.
In the scenes in which it topples, he is not.
Another hazard that topples schedules is flattery.
His collection of foreign films and documentaries topples out of an unpacked box.
Wind that topples her in a wave without spray, and substance without weight, and leaning fires.
The courage that rises from defeat and tries again, as you with laughing face rebuild the house of blocks that topples to the floor.
As experience has shown, if an event is large enough to topple reinsurers, it generally topples several at a time, and not just one.
What a Card! Six guys are playing poker. After losing $500 on one hand, Smith clutches his chest and topples over, dead at the table.
If the lamp topples, and the oil spills, it quickly ignites causing disfiguring burns or even death to thousands of people each year.
Those brief moments when day topples into night must be peopled with secret signs and summons for my Algiers to be so closely linked to them.