1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-01-13 13:10:03


  • Link (href) for a table column.


  • the href of the included resource

    被包含的资源 href

  • The href is the path to the stylesheet.


  • Make sure your id and href attributes match.


  • Remember the xlink: href attribute from the xlink tip?

    还记得xlink文章中的xlink: href属性吗?

  • Finally, to create an href link as your table column.


  • In Listing 1, the href attributes contain absolute URIs.

    在清单1中,hre f属性包含绝对uri。

  • Use it along with an xlink: href attribute to establish a link.

    将标签与一个xlink: href属性结合使用便可以建立一个链接。

  • To specify this URL, the element USES the xlink: href attribute.

    为了指定这个URL,该元素使用xlink: href属性。

  • This refinement gets the href attribute of the matching tag.

    精炼过的这个查询将获取任何匹配标记的 href 属性。

  • Therefore, the XPath is href:entry/link[@rel='related']/@href.

    因此,XPath 为 href:entry/link[@rel='related']/@href。

  • In the stylesheet, curly brackets populate several href attributes.


  • To create a link to another document, by using the href attribute.


  • Instead, the href attribute has been placed right on the li elements.

    而hre f属性已经被正确放在了li元素上。

  • The href column comes straight from the identically named XML tag attribute.


  • Then use the attr function to get the value of the element's href attribute.


  • Embed the location of AJAX requests in the href attributes of anchor elements.


  • The href attribute is expected to specify an IRI that can be dereferenced.

    href 属性用来指定一个可被解除引用的 IRI。

  • You could change the href attribute to any valid (and accessible) web URL.

    您可以将 href 属性更改为任何有效的(且可访问的)web URL。

  • The href attribute in the response message is not present in the definitions.


  • The tag dynamically builds href> links to a specified JSP.

    标签动态地构建 到指定 JSP 的链接。

  • The href attribute in XSLT takes a URI reference, which may be absolute or relative.

    XSLT 的 href 属性采用了一个 URI 引用,它可能是绝对引用,也可能是相对引用。

  • The most important pseudo-attribute is href, which contains a URI to the style sheet.

    最重要的伪属性是 href ,它包含指向样式表的 URI。

  • To create a table display with href as the column type, use these property files.


  • It gives it an href attribute that concatenates the string mailto: with the email address.


  • You then get the value of the href attribute and use this as the URL for your Ajax request.


  • The href attribute is an optional value that provides the URI of the resource to include.

    hre f属性是一个可选值,它提供需要包含的资源的URI。

  • All you need to do is ask for all the href attributes associated with the anchor tags on a page.


  • Listing 10 gives you an array of all the links with "href" attributes, allowing you to handle them.
