1 词典释义:
space scientist
时间: 2024-11-28 10:57:39


  • If it succeeds, three more such objects will be sent out in 2022, according to Wu Chunfeng, a space scientist.


  • I want to become an aerospace scientist, because I am interested in the outer space very much.


  • Now a team led by Nasa space scientist James Mason have claimed that gently moving junk off course could be the answer.

    而现在,由Nasa太空科学家詹姆斯·梅森(James Mason)率领的队伍指出,轻轻地移开那些太空垃圾就是解决方案。 (译者:这不废话么?)

  • A computer program that could help catch and ever translates from aliens in outer space has been started by a British scientist.


  • A scientist once said: "I have concluded that the earth is being visited by intelligently controlled vehicles from outer space."


  • According to Alan Stern, planetary scientist, the biggest public relations boost for the ISS may come from the privately funded space flight industry.


  • NASA scientist Chris Mckay says, "We may find aliens in space and talk with them."


  • "They are very rare events," said NASA scientist Bill Cooke, who found the aurora photos in the Alabama camera's archive and posted them on the Marshall Space Flight Center's blog.


  • You'd be hard-pressed to get a NASA scientist to come out and say that the Kepler space telescope is designed to find aliens.


  • Remizov collaborated on the project with Moscow-based scientist Lev Britvin, who has developed energy-saving solutions for space stations.


  • In his book Cosmos, the late scientist Carl Sagan talks about the way in which the earth is regularly struck by material from outer space.


  • Dean Pesnell, project scientist for the Solar Dynamics Observatory at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.


  • Scientist have now started to join together these nanotubes which could make a super strong cable that is able to transport an elevator to 36,000km and then off to space.


  • Or some kind of scientist dealing with space and astronomy in particular...


  • Darrell C. Romick, a scientist in the Goodyeaer Aircraft Company's aerophysics department, presented us with his blueprint for rotating, wheel-shaped city in space.

    固特异航空公司(Goodyeaer Aircraft Company)航空物理学部门的科学家达雷尔·罗米克,向我们展示了在太空中旋转的车轮形城市的蓝图。

  • "When we launched, the space age was only 20 years old, so we had no evidence that things last that long," added California Institute of Technology's Ed Stone, Voyager project scientist.

    “当我们发射它时,太空时代才刚开始20年,所以我们没有证据表明它能飞这么久,”加州理工大学的旅行者号科学家Ed Stone补充道。

  • These space craft have been prolific sources of data for earth scientist, but the new shots were chosen solely based on aesthetics.


  • The rocket scientist is a different kind of hero. He or she makes space travel possible.


  • No one opposed the proposal that the star be named after the distinguished scientist in memory of the great contribution he made to space research.


  • His mind has grappled with space and time, and explored the strange beauty of black holes aglow, but in recent days a more earthly problem has occupied the world's most famous scientist.


  • Ouyang Ziyuan, chief scientist of the country's lunar project, said the Mars programme will focus on creating space probes on the red planet.


  • John Tucker as a scientist from the US space agency NASA which helped compile the data.


  • Drew Shindell is a climate scientist with the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.


  • Thee scientist who first proposed the idea to the European Space Agency (ESA), without success, in 2001, is University of Vienna physicist Anton Zeilinger.
