1 词典释义:
handling time
时间: 2025-01-26 03:40:37
英 [ˈhændlɪŋ tʌɪm]
美 [ˈhændlɪŋ taɪm]


  • You can reduce handling time by using piggyback.


  • "Fully automatic load and offload reduces handling time significantly," she says.


  • The handling time is around 5 working days, which is the handling time of the official institution under a normal situation, without legal basis.


  • For the regions where the communication is underdeveloped, the handling time may be appropriately extended, but the extension shall not exceed 30 days.


  • In this paper, problems of handling time imprecise in temporal databases are discussed and the representations of imprecise time intervals are presented.


  • For example, tools provided through SaaS could equip decision makers with knowledge on what metric goals should be achieved for material handling time, cycle time, and changeover time.


  • As time and space are key elements in the narrative of novels, the means of handling time and space adopted by writers often mirror their specific views on life and aesthetic interest.


  • Meanwhile, UPS is equipped for instrument cabinet and system program control cabinet to ensure that there will be emergency handling time for workers during accident power interruption.


  • Compared to the conventional organic solvent extraction method, the subcritical water extraction method showed shorter handling time and lower solvent consumption without waste producing.


  • According to the effect that quay cranes allocation has on ship container handling time, an algorithm of assigning quay cranes and ship containers handling time based on rules was developed.


  • Based on the patient vacuum mattress to shape the contours of the body shape, so as to achieve rapid, effective and convenient brake, reducing the pressure on a patient's body and handling time.


  • In this particular program, doing buffer handling in this way does not affect the execution time significantly, and in some data sets, affects it negatively.


  • Apparently, the copy had been made in the 1992 campaign; it had Vince Foster's notes on it, because he was handling press questions for the Rose firm at the time.


  • Was she handling crises during this period of time?


  • You can complete the process definition by going back to your process editor and handling each outstanding task one at a time.


  • The exception handling takes as much time as the code itself.


  • The RTSJ addresses several problematic areas, including scheduling, memory management, threading, synchronization, time, clocks, and asynchronous event handling.

    RTSJ 处理了几个有问题的地方,包括调度、内存管理、线程、同步、计时、时钟和异步事件处理。

  • Full hardware emulators have been in use for a long time, at their best for handling legacy systems and code that can take the speed hit from emulation.


  • For each CPU, it shows the percentage of time the CPU was idle, the percentage of time the CPU was busy, and the percentage of time the CPU spent handling interrupts.


  • No, the percentage of time that the CPU spends handling interrupts is not a subset of the total busy time for that CPU.

    不包括。 CPU 处理中断所占的时间百分比并不是那个 CPU 全部繁忙时间的子集。

  • Back in the old days when the speed of the hardware was known, this wasn't a problem, but nowadays there are so many hardware platforms out there, that we have to implement some sort of time handling.


  • They have trouble handling more than one task at a time.


  • The more objects that are created, the more frequently the JVM garbage collector has to reclaim memory and, at least partially, interrupt request handling at that time.

    创建的对象越多,JVM 垃圾回收器就必须更频繁地回收内存并会(至少部分)中断此时的请求处理。

  • Package maintainers also have a hard time handling all the incoming patches in a timely manner which frustrates the contributors.


  • It is not clear, was she negotiating a treaty or agreements or was she handling crises during this period of time?


  • Another involves further development skills in the simultaneous handling of more than one task at a given time, otherwise known as multi-tasking.


  • Percentage of time the CPU is handling interrupts

    CPU 处理中断所占的时间百分比。

  • Now look at Listing 8, which has the same logic for handling the robot's states, but this time puts the logic into the state pattern.


  • SELECT * will retrieve those new columns, too, and your program might not be capable of handling the additional data without requiring time-consuming changes.

    SELECT * 也会检索那些新的列,而如果没有进行费时的更改,您的程序也许无法处理附加的数据。

  • Processing of data as batch or real-time, including handling large volumes of large data sets.
