In a large bowl, combine the flour with the cinnamon and mixed spice, then rub in the butter until well incorporated.
For rhubarb chutney, Pamela Westland's Food For Keeps recommends Onions, ginger and mixed spice, as well as currants and sultanas.
关于制作大黄酸辣酱,Pamela Westland撰写的《食物贮存(Food for Keeps)》一书中推荐使用洋葱、姜、混合香料或者红醋栗和小葡萄干。
Sure, a lot of spice is mixed in here and there, but the pattern remains the same regardless of the underlying technology or infrastructure.
One day, to spice things up, Mr Gygax turned a plastic dinosaur into a dragon and mixed in wizards and trolls among the men-at-arms.
Intense nose of red berry fruit mixed with sweet spice.
She mixed egg, meat and spice.