Recently, the number of NEET in China is growing gradually.
This Neet is already 30 years old but still lives off his parents.
Receiving financial support from parents is the most common practice among the NEET group.
Results of the parents arranged the children more dependent on their parents, the community a lot of "NEET" is the focus of this portrayal.
Carrying on systematic analysis of the causes of well educated NEET through subdivision divided under every kind of factors in chapter three.
Large quantities of unemployed university students join NEET ranks after graduated makes the level of NEET get complicated and draw on more and more concern.
Though the "group of newly unemployed" is largely similar with "NEET" in terms of their background of appearance and characteristics, they are not exactly alike.
An image shows the word "NEET". More than one in 10 teenagers has been left without a job or college place, despite 11 years of compulsory education, figures show.
Only the different fields make joint efforts, could the youth of NEET return to the society smoothly, and prevent the increase of NEET quantity to a certain extent.
只有各方面共同努力,才能使NEET族青年顺利地回归社会,并在一定程度上预防NE ET族群体数量的增加。
But result demonstrates, the close sixty percent NEET race has the wish obtaining employment intensely, inclination has 13.8% in choosing being engaging in advanced study of.