1 词典释义:
vascular bundles
时间: 2025-01-02 13:17:52


  • There were phloem fiber bundle of stem outside vascular bundles.


  • Sepals contain several vascular bundles, and are thought to be derived from leaves.


  • The number of vascular bundles in neck-panicle was mainly controlled by genetic factors.


  • Results show that the large parenchymatous cells of vascular bundles are the mainly storage site of aloin.


  • Jinhui12 is an excellent parental candidate in improving the characteristic of neck-panicle vascular bundles.


  • All the vascular bundles are interconnected so that transport between organs carried on rapidly and efficiently.


  • Vascular bundles of the pedicel in flower of Commelina communis were scattered within central fundamental tissues.


  • Their internal structures consist of air passages, vascular bundles of various size, ground tissues and sclerenchyma.


  • There are 5~8 vascular bundles arranged in arch shape. Secretory cavities are present in the ground tissue of petiole.


  • Vein One of the vascular bundles in a leaf. The pattern in which the veins are arranged in a leaf is called the VENATION.


  • Bicollateral bundle the arrangement of tissues in the vascular bundles in which the phloem is situated on both sides of the xylem.


  • In Calocedrus and Platycladus, only a single series of inverted vascular bundles were generated in the adaxial side of the bract scale;


  • The phloems rage alternate with xylems. There are mucus cells and crystal cells in cortex of root. And vascular bundles scatter in stem.


  • Internodes of the mutants had abnormal-shaped epidermal and hypodermal cells and showed an unusual arrangement of small vascular bundles.


  • It is revealed that SCC is effective for ANFH and multiple vascular bundles transplant should be added for the hip with more serious damage.


  • Morphological structure and the development of nodular vascular bundles of Coriaria nepalensis Wall. were studied by microscopical techniques.


  • The nutrient transported from dorsal vascular bundles first unloaded into apoplast via nucellar projection, then was absorbed by aleurone layer cells;


  • The vascular bundles in stereid layer or Parechymatous cell layer of lateral margin of its testa provide the testa development with water and nutrition.


  • The vascular cambium extends to form a complete ring of meristematic tissue around the stem, the separate vascular bundles being linked by interfascicular cambium.


  • Having the epidermis, cortex, starch sheath, perivascular sclerenchyma, six vascular bundles, pith and pith ray, the stem is similar to the root in their structure.


  • It is because the vascular bundles in its rachilla and lodicules were undeveloped, the transport system was abnormal. and the lodicules absorbed and lost water difficultly.


  • The vascular bundles of the primary structure in stem are ring arranged, and the node is unilacunar and 3-traced, which is from three vascular bundles or one vascular bundle.


  • The effects of the panicle length, branch distribution, number of spikelets, seed set percentage, neck vascular bundles and plant weight per stem on spikelet number per panicle were analyzed.


  • The weight of a single sheath is correlated with the number of large vascular bundle and the area of vascular bundles, is correlated significantly with the area of phloem for vascular bundles.


  • There were 3 big vascular bundles and 5~7 small vascular bundles in young stem, and there were 2~3 small vascular bundles between two big vascular bundles, they were all arranged in circularity.


  • These bundles will become part of the vascular tissue of the stipels at the base of the individual leaflets.
