He'd pulled into the first shop off I-84 and was told that a loose head bolt was to blame.
Were I but loose; my dizziness would then cease; oh, were my head but loose!
After blow-drying your hair at night, put it up in a high, loose bun on the top of your head, secure with a clip, then go to sleep.
Wear fitted clothes - a loose T-shirt might end up over your head when you're in a forward bend.
Whenever working in the wood shop, remember to avoid loose-fitting clothing, as you wouldn't want any of your attire to become entangled in a saw blade or cutting head.
The girl wore a loose pink top and a flowing red dress, and her family placed a cloth over her head to protect her from photographers.
Thankfully, her collar was just loose enough that, in that moment of pure terror, she was able to squeeze her head out and run.
English bulldogs are known for their loose-jointed shuffling gait and massive short-faced head, according to the American Kennel Club.
Whenever working in the wood shop remember to avoid loose-fitting clothing as you wouldn't want any of your attire to become entangled in a saw blade or cutting head.
The officer shook his head, though my cords were made a bit loose, so that I was more at ease.
He could see only the top of her head, her loose hair gleaming in the lamplight.
A loose pliable covering for the head and neck, either attached to a robe or jacket or separate.
The frantic storm of murder which had been let loose a few feet above his head did not reach him.
At loose pump head, the pump head removed prior to adjusting the length of the 0% stroke position.
The skin is thin to the touch and extremely loose, this being more especially noticeable about the head and neck, where it hangs in deep folds.
Middle reaches canal head foundation is the non-cohesive soil, extremely loose silt sand.
There was the man with a shaved head and loose fitting clothes who read a book on Buddhism while fingering prayer beads.
The grain is cast to size such that it is a slightly loose fit , and is loaded into the motor from the head end.
Unfortunately the handle can become loose and create a nasty hazard if the head of the tool comes away from the handle.
If using padding, pull back the padding and ask the drummer to get the tuning "even" and as low as possible without making the head too loose for the beater.
Ordinarily you had no fear – you could always turn him loose, or chop his head off.
It can be adjusted by the adjusting screw caps located on the head covers of both sides. Loose the locking screws beforehand, then re-tighten them after.
She was tall, and had kept her dark-brown hair loose and long all her life, save for a leather barrette such as she wore now, which held only her forelocks behind her head to flow down her back.