1 词典释义:
时间: 2024-11-30 12:46:17
英 [ˈpɪlɡrɪmɪdʒis]
美 [ˈpɪlgrəmɪdʒis]

n. 朝圣;朝圣之旅;(pilgrimage的复数)

  • Conquerors seized them as especially precious spoils of war; tourists came to see and hear these machines the way they made pilgrimages to sacred relics.


  • So complete is van Gogh's global apotheosis that Japanese tourists now make pilgrimages to Auvers to sprinkle their relatives' ashes on his grave.


  • Make pilgrimages to Mougins and Abiquiu.


  • For a long time Tess did not join in the weekly pilgrimages.


  • Since the year you and her on the first date, together go to temple pilgrimages.


  • Thou art the All-pervading Spirit, but I have made pilgrimages to sacred places.


  • Umra refers to other pilgrimages to Mecca, which can take place any time of the year.

    U mra指一年中的任何时间进行的麦加朝觐。

  • Since the year you and her (him) on the first date, together go to temple pilgrimages.


  • Whereas he had initially discouraged pilgrimages to Thomas’s tomb, from 1174 on he led the devotion.


  • They make so many pilgrimages and repeat the name of God so much, but why do they not realize anything?


  • Many elderly residents make pilgrimages to the baths as they are well known for their healing properties.


  • Over my writing life, friends and others told me they were making pilgrimages to Lee's hometown, Monroeville.


  • More than 313,000 tourists make summer pilgrimages to the territory, one of North America's last great wildernesses.


  • The N.B.A. made pilgrimages to the continent and conducted camps and clinics, but the visits did not have a lasting effect.


  • Unlike other pilgrimages, Medjugoje is a place where a lot of people had conversion, and received many graces and blessings.


  • When the Inca conquered the Tiwanaku, they incorporated the sanctity of this place into their own beliefs and began to make pilgrimages here.


  • Can unprofitable works, long pilgrimages, offerings, images, the invocation of the Virgin or of the saints, secure for you the grace of God?


  • In a not dissimilar way, marriage and friendship are explorations of the higher emotions, they are pilgrimages towards the city of true values.


  • In India the dying make pilgrimages to sacred sites, such as Varanasi, to be cremated and released into the River Ganges, India's holiest waterway.


  • This made him extremely unpopular with his fellow townsmen because the pilgrimages to the Kaaba were the chief source of such prosperity as Mecca enjoyed.


  • Supermarkets, as George Ritzer famously put it, are our temples; and so, I may add, the shopping lists are our breviaries, while strolls along the shopping malls become our pilgrimages.

    超级市场,正如乔治·瑞泽尔(George Ritzer)著名地表述的那样,是我们的神庙;因此,我要补充,购物清单就是我们的祈祷书,而在商场里的闲逛则成了我们的朝圣。

  • The transmission of N. meningitidis is facilitated by overcrowded housing at family level and by large population displacements due to pilgrimages and traditional markets at regional level.


  • Fahien and Xuan Zang, two eminent monks in Chinese history, went on pilgrimages to India for Buddhist scriptures, while Kumarajiva and Bodhidharma travelled east to disseminate Buddhism.


  • They made pilgrimages to special “dream temples, ” where, after offeringsacrifices and bathing in sacred waters, a healing deity would appearto them in sleep, curing whatever troubled them.


  • Religious people have the freedom to make pilgrimages to temples and monasteries, and holy mountains and lakes, including circumambulation around holy mountains and spinning prayer wheels.

    信徒们可以自由地去寺庙、神山、神湖朝拜,转山、转经、上供、斋僧布施、煨桑、 诵经。

n. 朝圣;漫游