Prepares monthly rosters.
My boss 1 rosters me around my study.
Assist with the preparation of team member duty rosters.
Prepare duty rosters, and implementvacation and public holiday schedules.
San Antonio and Phoenix have not made significant upgrades to their rosters.
You can expand each team and see the corresponding players on the teams' rosters.
It does kind of solidify the rosters and we know what we're dealing with, "Jackson said."
Ismail, who goes by only one name, is a sergeant now, and he needs to read and write duty rosters.
These melancholy rosters highlight the gap between the grand claims of developers and the cold reality of market arithmetic.
In 1992, though, the year of the original U.S. Olympic "Dream Team," the NBA had only 21 international players on its rosters.
The league's worldwide reach can also be seen with 76 international players from 30 countries and territories on NBA rosters.
The fact that Auerbach functioned as both coach and general manager enabled him to assemble his rosters to suit his own designs.
People who never developed a belief in themselves, no matter their intrinsic talent, are unlikely to appear on major league rosters;
Last week I spoke about the cleaning rosters and how we are in need of volunteers to make the cleaning service easier for everybody.
Many agencies manage these rosters at headquarter and country levels, making it difficult for smaller firms to enter the aid business.
Also, because the reserve clause in players' contracts prohibited free agency, rosters were much more stable in Auerbach's halycon days.
Names of enterprises which sell to international aid agencies can be found on the rosters of pre-qualified companies of individual agencies.
Although it is hard to predict how the league will look post-lockout, let's assume the top teams will mostly have stability in their rosters for the short-term.
Some get involved in Gnostic or Tantric religions, the kind that present intricate rosters of angels and demons and heavens and hells, and endlessly discuss symbols.
Here in the briefcase's outermost pocket were class rosters from the past two years; letters addressed to those young men care of the university were sure to reach them.
Mark Simon, head coach of the Beijing Imperial Guard Hockey Club, one of several teams in the Beijing Junior Hockey League, says team rosters have been growing in recent years.
北京皇家卫队冰球队是北京少年冰球联赛的几个球队之一。 这个冰球队的总教练马克西蒙认为,近几年来参加球队的人数一直在上升。
Create a switchboard design with control buttons that lead to students, instructors, courses, course schedules, and course rosters. Allow a user to add, update, or delete records in each area.
duty roster