Article 37. If a final determination establishes the existence of dumping and injury caused by dumping to a domestic industry, an anti-dumping duty may be imposed.
We shall continue to monitor the bid process over the coming weeks up until its final determination, whilst reviewing our position and holding discussions with our advisors.
And by the help of further reasoning, which if drawn out would have been exhibited in two or three other syllogism, you arrive at your final determination, I will not have that apple.
The design of concrete face rockfill dam's toe slab is a process of iteration and optimization, the final determination of design parameter has finished in the construction process at last.
This is the phase where you complete the prioritization of the capabilities your business needs and make a final determination of the improvements needed in the processes across your organization.
First flight and first delivery will be rescheduled following the final determination of the required modification and testing plan. It will be several weeks before the new schedule is available.
With that example in mind, it's important to consider that even in the Nokia vs. Apple investigation the final decision need not be identical to the ALJ's initial determination.
The Determination method of organic basis of hydrochloride by oscillopolarographic titration is quick, exact, easy to observe the final result and can save materials.
In the final exam the day, the morning two homework results, I do not have a certain class of students is good, but I admit defeat, but confidence that the determination to fight a turnaround.
Further determination of the elastoplastic instability point is facilitated by the compressional stress strain relation, which then gives rise of the final formula of the compressive strength.
Property right theory of enterprise's performance determination thinks the final decisive factor that determines enterprise's performance is whether a property right is distinct.