We gazed up at the cloudless blue sky, marvelling in …
We eventually pick two meals, marvelling at the cheapness.
You were as excited children marvelling at your abilities, and playing games with each other.
After hearing In Pine Effect over and over, I was still marvelling at Michael Paradinas (aka u-Ziq, pronounced 'music').
在听过一遍又一遍的《松树效应》后,我仍然惊叹于迈克·帕拉迪纳斯(又名u-ziq 发音像音乐一词“music”)。
Together, let us create a symphony of hearts, marvelling at the miracle of our children and basking in the beauty of love.
Pictured (left) marvelling at the view in Skûgafoss, Iceland, and (right) stargazing near Mount Hood Stratovolcan in Oregon.
I looked around. It was the man with owl-eyed glasses whom I had found marvelling over Gatsby's books in the library one night three months before.
And so now it was Friday night, her roommates had gone out to a party, and Madeleine had stayed in “to study.” She was reading “A Lover’s Discourse” and marvelling at its relevance to her life