Top view of cheese head slotted screw. Selection box represents thread diameter.
The bolts are made from excellent quality alloy steel, the nuts and washers are made from carbon steel, cheese head studs for stud welding are made from ML15AL.
螺栓选用优质合金钢,螺母、垫圈选用优质碳结钢,圆柱头焊钉选用ML 15al。
Perhaps you like to eat cheese right before bed, sleep with all the lights on, or put a pillow beneath your feet instead of your head?
The implication is that the mouse will saw off his own head while looking for the cheese. Remember the saw blade?
Stick your head out as if looking into the trap and swing it back and forth as if looking for the cheese.
In the evening Jack took the cheese, and went home with it on his head.
So he took the cheese and put it on his head;
"That's the point. The mouse sticks his head in the hole and says," "Where did you put the cheese."
It can be equipped with all kinds of head and meals, such as cheese, fresh fruits and red meat.