She is known as his moll or sometimes as a gun moll.
Now I don’t use the word moll in conversation too often.
(in the audio version) I'll read you the citation for moll.
The etymology is that moll like Molly was once an alternative for the name Mary.
它的词源是这样的——与Molly一样,Moll曾经是女人名 玛丽 (Mary)的替代叫法。
Cameron Moll encourages web designers to realign their website rather than redesign.
But the American Heritage Dictionary says gun moll is based on obsolete British slang.
但是,《美国传统英语词典》却说,gun moll源于一个已经过时的英国俚语。
Moll Flanders (1722) is regarded as signifying the top of the literature career of Daniel Defoe (1660-1731).
Woolf described her as a cross between Moll Flanders and Thackeray's daughter Anne Ritchie, which comes quite close.
伍尔芙说丽蒂茜娅是摩尔·弗兰德斯(Moll Flanders)和萨克雷的女儿安妮·里奇(Anne Ritchie)的混合体,这一评价相当中肯。
Moll begins as an orphan, and her life will in fact be defined, from start to finish, as one of profound isolation.
Moll and Grafman asked subjects to consider donating money to charity while their brains were monitored under an MRI.
Dr Moll had an extensive problem on his hands, it turned out, called extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis, or XDR-TB.
摩尔医生所面临的是一种广泛耐药结核菌(xdr - TB)。
The correlation didn't reach significant level. 0.2 molL-1 K2SO4 wasn't the suitable available Se extractant for paddy soil.
The surface structure and deep structure of the novel reveal that Moll is doomed to be trapped in the inescapable cycles of fate.
I'm not quite sure how to interpret this, " said Moll. "Some people will get infected and be able to fight off the bug. Others will develop active TB and it will lead to death.