The oak leviathans, whose huge ribs make Their clay creator the vain title take Of lord of thee, and arbiter of war;
橡树庞然大物,其作出的巨大肋骨 他们的粘土创造者采取徒劳的称号 在耶和华你,和战争的仲裁者;
The two Leviathans have squeezed private firms into the riskiest ends of the mortgage market, such as subprime lending.
The leviathans of our primordial software world have been busy hatching their vision for the next generation of solutions.
Unlike orca, which are odontocetes or toothed whales, humpbacks are mysticetes, harmless leviathans with only baleen plates in their mouths.
The mightiest of the new leviathans is the Emma Maersk, which started ferrying boxes of toys from China to Europe in time for Christmas last year.
这些新的巨轮中最大的要数艾玛.马士基号(the Emma Maersk), 该船于去年首航时把满载玩具的集装箱从中国运往欧洲,这些玩具都是圣诞商品。
VINCE CABLE, the business secretary, whose declared ambition is to break up Britain’s biggest banks, is trying to cajole these leviathans into lending more to growing companies.