1 词典释义:
cooling plant
时间: 2025-02-09 17:28:45


  • The cooling plant is for lollipop only.


  • The cooling plant and heating plant for oil adapted to different temperature for producing.


  • The broken cooling plant leaked through the blast furnace, resulting in poor furnace condition and poor operation.


  • When it is short of water, a plant, which normally USES evaporation as a means of cooling, cannot rid itself of the heat it absorbs from sunlight or the heat that may build up from its own metabolism.


  • That was to prevent a repeat of the hydrogen explosions that blew radiation out of the plant soon after cooling systems failed in the wake of the tsunami.


  • The agency says the cooling system at the number three reactor at the Fukushima nuclear power plant is offline and could possibly explode, following Saturday's blast at the plant's number one reactor.


  • GE built two reverse osmosis filtration systems that now provide clean water for the facility's cooling system and boiler plant.


  • At this point the plant operators begin to follow emergency procedures that are in place for a “loss of cooling event.


  • Before the tsunami hit, the cooling system was operated by diesel generators in the plant [to compensate for] a loss of external power sources after the earthquake.


  • And hoses needed to get cooling water from the reservoir to the plant were blocked by a security fence.


  • That leaves reconnecting the plant to the grid and restarting the cooling pumps inside as the last line of defence before a major release of radiation.


  • The authorities are still battling to make the plant safe after earthquake damage caused the cooling system to fail in two reactors, damaging their cores.


  • When auxiliary batteries were exhausted, the plant was without power to continue cooling reactor cores and spent fuel pools.


  • The quake and tsunami cut the supply of off-site power to the plant and diesel generators intended to provide back-up electricity to the cooling system.


  • At the same time, Japan's nuclear regulator said it was working to connect outside power cables to two of the units at the stricken plant, in hopes of restarting their cooling pumps.


  • The cooling problems at the Japanese plant raised fears of a repeat of 1979's Three Mile Island accident, the most serious in the history of the U.S. nuclear power industry.


  • The plant's operators responded incorrectly to the situation and stopped cooling the reactor, which overheated, suffered damage, and released radioactive material inside the plant.


  • At the same time, Japanese engineers were focused on restoring the power supply to the stricken power plant in an attempt to reactivate its cooling system.


  • When it is short of water, a plant normally USES evaporation as a means of cooling.


  • The actual water requirements differ according to plant, climate (most of the water withdrawn by plants is for cooling through evaporation) and the efficiency of irrigation.


  • Radiation Levels Outside the Plant: Twice the Legal Limit As part of the cooling efforts, "plant operators had to release radioactive vapor into the atmosphere," The New York Times reports.

    目前核辐射危害等级是2倍的法律规定。 作为冷却工作的一部分,“核电站不得不释放一部分被核污染的蒸汽到大气内。”

  • A failure of the cooling system that has crippled the entire plant led to water boiling in the No4 pool.


  • Normal plant operations produce both of them in the cooling water, and they are even released routinely in small amounts into the environment, usually through tall chimneys.


  • To stabilize the reactors and restart cooling systems, the company rushed to reconnect the power plant to the electric grid.


  • Almost all six reactor units at the plant are now stable or approaching stability, and power has been restored, enabling the operators to resume controlled cooling of the reactors.


  • An on-site desalination plant means that the operation generates its own water for cooling.
