The Condition of discontinuance of crime is Cant be Confused the Condition of one who discontinues a crime.
SUPPLIER discontinues voluntarily or becomes unable to supply CONTRACT PRODUCTS made by SUPPLIER using the TOOLS;
More and more complex nonlinear problems appear in Modem Science and Technology, with large gradients or discontinues in local region.
Even if a vendor disappears, discontinues a product, or doesn't support the features you need, you can be confident that there's a replacement.
Where an offender who discontinues a crime and causes no harm, exempted from punishment shall be given; where an offender causes harm, a mitigated punishment shall be given.
Pore water's velocity, grain's velocity and pore pressure have discontinues at the first stage of choking. Discontinues will disappear with the disappearing of choking state.
Most of Ford’s 1,187 Lincoln dealers also sell Mercury vehicles, and will lose more than half their sales when the automaker discontinues the mid-priced line at the end of the year.