1 词典释义:
enzyme technology
时间: 2025-03-06 12:12:54


  • Studied enzyme technology of extracting dietary fiber from wheat bran.


  • Look back to the enzyme technology used in food, and look into the future in this article.


  • Enzyme technology is an important research area and has a major impact on the utility of enzymes in industrial processes.


  • Enzyme technology can also increase the quality and safety of dairy products, im prove production technology and product flavor.


  • Enzyme technology has been used in oil and fats research for years, such as enzyme degumming for oils, enzyme modification for lecithins and biodiesel productions.

    酶反应技术在油脂研究中已经得到了一定的应用,如酶法脱胶、 磷脂酶法改性、 生物燃料的研究等等。

  • Have recommended using enzyme technology to produce the production technology of the air bladder glue and air bladder peptide in the development value of the health products trade.


  • The present invention provides one kind of miniature enzyme reactor with controllable size and property and its preparation, and belongs to the field of immobilized enzyme technology.


  • However, new developments in fermenter design and fermentation processes, in enzyme technology and more recently in genetic engineering have introdced new and exciting dimensions to the subject.


  • In the case of Oxford Nanopore's technology, the DNA molecule is fed through the hole one base at a time by a second protein, an enzyme called an exonuclease.


  • The enzyme electrode based blood glucose meter is developed by the technology of immobilizing enzyme on pole and detecting resultant electrical current.


  • CONCLUSIONS Enzyme processing has a good perspective as a new technology in the preparation of TCM products.


  • Technology and technique of beverages production using microbial enzyme preparation to hydrolyze soybean and milk as raw material are reported in this paper.


  • Enzyme engineering technology can improve the extraction and separation efficiency as well as transformation of active components in traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).


  • Enzyme use in rapeseed direct extraction technology was studied.


  • Ferment engineering and enzyme engineering technology are important path for the development of utilization of Marine proteins.


  • In this paper, the technology of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) was briefly introduced.


  • From different aspects such as enzyme preparation fermentation technology, raw material treatment and et al, discussed its influence on the forming of flavor and spice.


  • The physical, chemical and biological pretreatment, enzyme saccharification, alcohol fermentation technology and research development were stated in this paper.


  • The article introduce the technology of enzyme reaction to offal material of prawn in order to increase content of flavoring essence.


  • The enzyme hydrolyzation technology of honeybee pupa protein and strengthening effect of honeybee pupa drink for mice were studied in this test.


  • The Marine low temperature alkaline proteinase is made by enzyme engineering technology. It is mainly used as detergent and has very high activity at room temperature.


  • Objective: To study the best extraction technology for enzyme hydrolysis of cornu bubali.


  • OBJECTIVE To review the application of enzyme processing in TCM products, and predict the future development of such a new technology.


  • The paper put an emphasis on the key technology to improve the preservation quality of green tea including applying of biology preparation, enzyme inactivation by microwave, nano-packing material.


  • For the hot sensitive substance such as antibiotic, the vaccine, the blood product, the enzyme hormone and other biological preparations, the freeze-drying technology can demonstrate its advantages.


  • In the industry, we improved the technology of the adsorption and wash and separation of the enzyme in the ferment solution. We received obvious effect.


  • The static and dynamic extracts and extract kinetics of black tea are systematically studied by technology of enzyme and super-micro-comminution.


  • The elementary procedure of this technology contains sample disposal, protein enzyme digestion, in-situ PCR and the detection of sequence copied.


  • They are widely used in pharmaceutical science, catalysis, separation technology, enzyme models and other areas.
