She decided her child should go to America for life-saving treatment.
The life-saving treatment for diarrhoea is simple: ORS and zinc tablets.
They also fret, like Ms Tomaino, that Mr Obama will deny life-saving treatment to Grandpa to save money.
Blood transfusion as the means of life-saving treatment of many disease, has very important clinical significance.
A small baby at risk, her parents worried about her broken heart, but also faced with no way to pay for her life-saving treatment.
A pregnant Scottish woman who had to be flown to Sweden for life-saving treatment for swine flu has spoken for the first time of her ordeal.
"Not knowing" doesn't change your test result…it just delays possible life-saving treatment, not to mention, may keep you from the likely relief of a negative result.
Faulty hormone receptor tests disqualified scores of women in Newfoundland and Labrador from receiving potentially life-saving treatment for breast cancer, court documents show.
They ordered him into treatment at Walter Reed, treatment which he credits for saving his life and his career and keeping his family together.
While PEPFAR has been less successful at prevention than its proponents had hoped, it has kept 2.1m people, most of them African, on life-saving antiretroviral treatment.
Life saving HIV treatment was developed years ago.
Hardweating, aging resistance, stickiness and coiling proof, suitable for various surface treatment, antistatic, stable life, labor and material saving.
If magnesium sulfate were found to be effective in the treatment of PPHN, this could be a cost effective and potentially life-saving therapy.
Shenyang wild life-saving station will be sent all over the "patient" treatment after recovery, then will they happen.
The key steps of organ salvaging and the patients" life saving were early diagnosis and treatment of those complications."
The invention has the advantages of rapid heating and temperature rising, uniform heating, energy-saving and long service life and can be widely applied to the auxiliary treatment.