The extensive trade of Phoenicia required much book-keeping and correspondence, and it was in the field of writing that the Phoenicians made their most lasting contribution to world history.
For anyone interested in achieving long-term success in the field of software development, I believe that book is a must-read.
In an endnote Mr Wilczek warns that the nitty gritty of quantum field theory is not for sissies. Nor is this book.
Name one book in your discipline that you would recommend for scientists outside your field.
Schrodinger's book is credited with inspiring James Watson and Francis Crick, the discoverers of DNA, to enter the field of molecular biology.
Mr Anderson finishes his book with a list of 50 business models built around Free, presumably so that the reader can find the model that is most likely to apply in his own field.
In his book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell suggests that becoming an expert in any particular field takes approximately 10, 000 hours of practice.
在《异族》(Outliers)一书中,作者Malcolm Gladwell建议成为一个专家(高手)在通常情况下需要花费近10000小时的练习与实践。
For example, the editorof a book should be encoded in a 700 field, with a $e subfield thatspecifies the person is the editor.
It's then trivial to add another field mapping for the ISBN of the book.
然后为书的IS BN添加另一个字段映射。
As I mentioned, you were already very successful in the field of law at the time that you decided to write your book.
His first book practically invented the field of civil-military relations; his last was on demographics and culture.
This book is intended as an introduction to the ideas of Mahayana Buddhism, and also to some of the recent scholar work in the field.
因此,(像我这样)试图用一本书的篇幅来介绍大乘佛教的行为可能显得有些轻率。 不过,我还是斗胆写下了这本书。
On the soccer field or at the PROM, the lessons in this book will not prove as relevant.
All it takes to get started as a birder is good eyesight, a simple field guide (even from a used book store) and an interest in watching birds.
We felt a need for an up-to-date and concise book in this field.
Within the broad scope of the book, each topic is reviewed authoritatively by experts in the field, and the accompanying bibliographies allow rapid access to the relevant current literature.
在宽阔的部分的书范围内, 在领域方面的专家有威权评论每个题目,并且伴随的书目允许迅速的相关的当今的文学的入口。
In the Value field, enter a host variable: ISBN This creates the update statement that will update the attributes in a particular book.
The Category field lets us identify which categories the book belongs in-Administration, Programming, and so on.
No - it provides a text field where you can type in the book's title, author, or even the International Standard book Number (ISBN) if you are so inclined.
没有—它提供了一个文本字段,您可以在其中输入图书的标题、作者,如果您喜欢,甚至还可以输入国际标准图书编号(International Standard Book Number, ISBN)。
Primary authorship should be represented as a field in the relationship between Author and Book.
第一作者的身份应该表示为 Author 与 Book 之间的关系中的一个字段。
Start with the field element, because you are indeed mapping to a field of Book.
The Book class is then defined, with private member variables for each field.
If I were to copy and paste this code all around, then change the field structure of the book table, I would be in a bad way.
She coupled her experience in the marketing field and her interest in writing to launch a new career as a counselor and author. Her book, "Escape From Corporate America, " is due out in May.
So, in the case of the book table, there is a primary key field called book_id.
In 2009 Neil Gaiman won the Newbery Medal the most distinguished award in the field of children's literature for "the Graveyard Book" a work that makes no bones about its subject matter.
2009年,尼尔·盖曼(Neil Gailman)凭借《坟场之书》摘获儿童文学最高奖项——约翰·纽贝里奖章。正如其题目所示,该书对死亡的主题直言不讳。
In 2009, Neil Gaiman won the Newbery Medal, the most distinguished award in the field of children's literature, for "the Graveyard Book," a work that makes no bones about its subject matter.
2009年,尼尔·盖曼(Neil Gailman)凭借《坟场之书》摘获儿童文学最高奖项——约翰·纽贝里奖章。正如其题目所示,该书对死亡的主题直言不讳。
From the book list, you need to manually correct the mapping that is automatically done for author_id field.
从book列表,您需要手动更正自动对author _ id字段进行的映射。